How Bitterness Can Consume You If You Don’t Let It Go


“I’ve seen it a lot — church members who get angry at someone and then stay that way. I’ve seen people refuse to talk to each other at church, as if their silence is a godly adult reaction to disagreement. My heart breaks when I see such reactions because I’ve seen bitterness consume people for years.” - Chuck Lawless


Bitter Ingredients, Good Outcome: Psalm 71


“The unknown psalmist speaks on behalf of God’s people of all times, declaring that God has done great things while honestly affirming, ‘You have made me see troubles, many and bitter.’” - Randy Alcorn


What Forgiveness Is and Isn’t


“It’s important for us to understand what is demanded of us in forgiveness. Forgiveness is not the same thing as reconciliation, which requires two parties willing to come together.” - Dan Darling


How to Starve Bitterness


“Bitterness is poison dipped in honey. It tastes sweet going down, then it kills us from the inside out. In this way, bitterness is the poster child for the deceitfulness of sin.” - TGC


When You Resign or Retire as Pastor


“Make an official handwritten record of all the junk you’ve suffered and put up with in this church….Name names. Use bold print, underline, and add exclamation points. Then, take this official document, this masterpiece, and shred it. Then burn the shredding.” - David Brumbelow


Hurt by a church? Resist the urge to withdraw


“Don’t let those who’ve sinned against you determine your future. …You can move toward others with trust and hope again, not because your next community won’t fail you, but because God will never fail you, and he often ministers to us through others.” - TGC
