Anti-Semitism is Horrible Sin
“Today’s anti-Semitism is a propaganda machine fed by religious hatred and misinformation. Christians not only must avoid being consumed by it, but also must stand against it.” - P&D
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Today’s anti-Semitism is a propaganda machine fed by religious hatred and misinformation. Christians not only must avoid being consumed by it, but also must stand against it.” - P&D
“We can do away with slavery, segregation, and red-lining, but prejudice (not just based on skin color but because of class, wealth, religion, how tall or short people are, or how obese or skinny–all kinds of things) is going to be with us until the Lord returns.” - Juicy Ecumenism
“The Jewish civil rights group counted 2,107 anti-Semitic incidents in 2019, finding 61 physical assault cases, 1,127 instances of harassment and 919 acts of vandalism. That’s the highest annual tally since the New York City-based group began tracking anti-Semitic incidents in 1979.: - AP
“Here’s the reality. While there are certainly individual Christians who are bigots, the theology itself is founded in and based on love — love for the God who created us, and love for the people we want to see enter into relationship with their Savior.