The Only Comfort in Life and Death

This is the beginning of a series of brief devotional articles on The Orthodox Catechism (“OC”), a Particular Baptist document written by Baptist pastor Hercules Collins in 1680. It’s basically the Heidelberg Catechism (first ed. 1563) with Baptist flavor and a few other additions. It is a rightly famous tool for doctrinal and devotional instruction in Baptist churches. In the congregation where I serve as pastor, we discuss one question from the OC each week during the worship service.


Baptists and Confessions: In Defense of Subscription


“Do creeds and confessions conflict with Baptist theology? I suggest not…. To prove this, I cover the general benefits of confessions, the historical use of confessions in Baptist life, and conclude by providing a confessional test case.” - London Lyceum


Does Baptist Identity Even Matter?


“Among Baptists, there is a longstanding myth that the essence of Baptist identity is the freedom to believe whatever you want as long as you baptize believers by immersion.” - London Lyceum


Georgia Baptist bicentennial: Lamenting a heritage of racism and slavery


“It is generally known that Baptists in Georgia enslaved people. In fact, the Georgia Baptist Convention has acknowledged and repented of racism and slavery with resolutions in…. not so well known is how actively and extensively Georgia Baptists were involved in slavery and convict leasing.” - BPNews
