Celebrating 500 Years of the Anabaptist Movement


“Time for a shout-out to Anabaptism, a Protestant wing of the church marking its 500th year anniversary this January, 2025. The marker traces to the time in 1525 when Geoge Blaurock, a Catholic priest, was baptized (re-baptized, actually) by Conrad Grebel in the home of Felix Manz in Zurich, Switzerland.” - Juicy Ecumenism


The Only Comfort in Life and Death

This is the beginning of a series of brief devotional articles on The Orthodox Catechism (“OC”), a Particular Baptist document written by Baptist pastor Hercules Collins in 1680. It’s basically the Heidelberg Catechism (first ed. 1563) with Baptist flavor and a few other additions. It is a rightly famous tool for doctrinal and devotional instruction in Baptist churches. In the congregation where I serve as pastor, we discuss one question from the OC each week during the worship service.


Baptists and Confessions: In Defense of Subscription


“Do creeds and confessions conflict with Baptist theology? I suggest not…. To prove this, I cover the general benefits of confessions, the historical use of confessions in Baptist life, and conclude by providing a confessional test case.” - London Lyceum


Does Baptist Identity Even Matter?


“Among Baptists, there is a longstanding myth that the essence of Baptist identity is the freedom to believe whatever you want as long as you baptize believers by immersion.” - London Lyceum
