On Christian Doctrine


“The first book is by far the richest for Christian devotion. Here Augustine distinguishes between things that should be ‘enjoyed’ (God alone) and those that should be ‘used’ (everything else, including Scripture, as a means to lead to God). He teaches his famous ordo amoris (order of loves)” - Churches Without Chests


Augustine Against Gnosticism


“The reason Gnostics denied that God became fully man in the incarnation is that they held a low view of matter in general and flesh in particular. For Gnostics, matter and flesh were not products of a good creation that fell; the creation of matter and flesh was itself the fall.” - Ref21


Augustine Could’ve Written ‘City of God’ in 2022


“Augustine doesn’t assess isolated trends within late Roman culture. Instead, he engages with deep structures and fundamental assumptions: the culture’s virtues as well as its vices, its piety as well as its philosophy, its political environment as well as its popular entertainment.” - TGC


“In The City of God Augustine contended that Christians should never enshrine any earthly ‘city’ or empire or nation-state or polis as God’s country.”


“…many Christian theologians have come to believe that ‘Americanism’ is the world’s fourth great monotheistic religion. But that religion would be/is idolatrous. America is a great idea; I celebrate it and want to see it thrive. I’m a patriot, but not a nationalist. Christian nationalism in any country is wrong.” - Roger Olsen
