In Awe of God’s Omnipresence (Part 3)

Read Part 1 and Part 2.

Will the Holy Spirit Leave During the Tribulation?

Sometimes 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 is used to teach that the Holy Spirit will be removed from the world before the tribulation begins. But how can this be true in light of the doctrine of omnipresence?


In Awe of God’s Omnipresence (Part 1)

Orthodox Christians have confessed throughout the centuries of church history that God exists eternally in three co-equal Persons—each possessing one glorious nature, essence, substance, being or “form” (Phil. 2:6). Each of the three, while distinct from the other two, fully possesses all of the attributes (sometimes called perfections) of the “Godhead” (Rom. 1:20).


Giving Thanks for the Goodness of God


“We think we know what it means for God to be good, until we try to explain it. Then we usually start listing other attributes…. It takes some reflection to understand all that we mean—or should mean—when we confess that God is good.” - Kevin DeYoung


The Old Testament God of Compassion and Mercy


Exodus 34:6-7 “It is truly amazing to discover, therefore, that the first thing God had determined to reveal to us about His name (or character) was that He is merciful.” - Ligonier


Communicable Attributes: God is Good


“The transcendentals – goodness, beauty, and truth – they’re called the transcendentals because they are ubiquitous; they’re not merely parts and aspects of our reality, they are the moral-fabric that make up all of reality. Being as they are communicable attributes of our Creator God it stands to reason that they will be found, in greater or lesser degrees, in every part of God’s creation.” - Ref21


Communicable Attributes: On the Mercy of God


“So in one sense, mercy is not getting what we deserve, as our penalty was paid for by another. But it is so much more. The children of Israel came to a designated place once-a-year through an intermediary. We come to a person.” - Ref21


God Never Sweats it: Impassibility


“So what exactly is meant by passions? What are affections, or emotions for that matter? And why have Christians throughout the ages been so adamant that God does not have passions? We’ll define some terms in a moment, but it’s good to say upfront that what’s being protected in the doctrine of Divine Impassibility is any creatureliness or finitude within the Godhead.” - Ref21


Communicable Attributes: God is Love so Dwell in Love


“Widows and Widowers will often say, ‘You marry me, you marry my kids.’ When I see my [second] wife’s love for my children I know she loves me. So too with God and His children. Loving our Christian brethren is John’s context and main referent for 1 John 4:8, 16.” - Ref21


God Is Never Absent: Omnipresence


“[T]he angels and demons are also spirits, but they are not omnipresent. This is because God is the infinite Spirit, that is, His ‘spiritness’ is infinite; it’s not bound by physical space because He is not physical and is not bound by physical realities or created dimensions.” - Ref21
