Paul’s Prescription for Political Anxiety in 2024


“Along with the breathtaking boasts and cheap-shot slander, the sense of panic will heighten as we’re told, once again, that this is the most important election of our lifetimes.” - TGC


How Church Leaders Can Be a Nonanxious Presence


“I offer this attempt to clarify what’s meant by ‘nonanxious presence’ and to provide recommendations for how we can help become such people ourselves.” - TGC


What makes pastors worry?


“Pastors and church leaders experience anxiety for a variety of reasons. Unsurprisingly, almost two out of three pastors report stress in ministry. Usually, it is the compounding of multiple stress points rather than one singular item that creates anxiety.” - Sam Rainer


Is Anxiety A Sin?


“…not every negative effect finds its specific cause in a specific sin on the part of the person experiencing it. That is to say, mental health is not a sin issue. And while there may be individual sins that contribute to the relative health or malady of a person, the level of health itself is not ipso facto a moral issue.” - Kainos


What Do I Do With My Fear?


“It seems in nearly every circle of people I am a part of, there is a palpable anxiousness right now….This is the problem with us as well. Our fears arise when we have forgotten who He is. That He’s so much bigger than whatever is worrying us. We must remind ourselves.” - Diane Heeney


Thoughts on My Anxiety (Part One)


“The origins of anxiety are variously attributed to chemical imbalances, emotional and/or physical trauma, heredity, etc. The point is, we seem to hardly know what we are talking about when we talk about anxiety. It has been and remains mystifying.” - Ref21


Anxiety & the Glory of God

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

With the current global situation, it’s likely that anxiety is more common than usual. There are reasons for concern in this dark hour. Anxiety can be a very difficult thing to battle. But God’s word has answers.

Whether you battle with anxiety, or love someone who does, here are a few thoughts on anxiety and the glory of God.


“Anxiety has physical, mental, and spiritual components”


“Anxiety disorders have real physical symptoms (rapid heart rate, tensed muscles, shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, etc.) brought on by identifiable physical things like the hormone epinephrine. However, anxiety also reveals the intimate connection between the mind and body.” - Ref21
