What is the future for Evangelicals in the Church of England?
“We need to be able to teach and preach what has always been understood as the Christian position on marriage and call out other views as errant.” - CPost
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“We need to be able to teach and preach what has always been understood as the Christian position on marriage and call out other views as errant.” - CPost
“The church’s national assembly voted in February to allow clergy to bless the unions of same-sex couples who have had civil weddings or partnerships. … used for the first time on Sunday.” - AP
“The proposals are to be considered at the next Synod in November, as is new pastoral guidance on how the system will operate.” - CPost
“Want to know how to cause a church split? The deepest fault lines – sex, money and pride – have been obvious for centuries, said Archbishop Kanishka Raffel of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Australia.” - GetReligion
“Gafcon gathering in Rwanda pledges to create alternative authority structures, while Global South fellowship stays separate.” - CToday
“Faithful Anglicans from around the world gather… for the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), a renewal movement within the family of churches descended from the missionary activities of the Church of England.” - Juicy Ecumenism
“Conservative Anglicans’ gathering in April comes after the Church of England’s ‘disqualifying’ decision to bless same-sex marriages.” - CToday
“Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA), which represents 75 percent of the worldwide Anglican Communion… released a letter on February 20, stating that the Church of England has ‘disqualified herself from leading the Communion as the historic “Mother” Church’ by its approval of blessings for same-sex couples.” - CBMW
Alister McGrath “was one of seven speakers presenting at the Mere Anglicanism Conference January 26-28 in Charleston, South Carolina.” - Juicy Ecumenism
See also: Anglicanism’s woes and the future of Christianity: Are we watching a church prepare for spiritual death? - World
“The launch of the Diocese of the Southern Cross prompted the head of the Anglican Church of Australia, Primate Geoffrey Smith, to issue a statement Thursday (Aug. 18) characterizing it as a ‘new denomination.’” - RNS