Athenticity: "Talking bluntly about myself all the time."

Trueman interview video discusses use of humor, the Christian celebrity phenomenon, pseudo-authenticity, “Christian Freudom,” … a little bit on fundamentalism (36:16 or so). (Larger view)


Some gems from this vid….

• 22:00 the problem of huge ecclesiastical influence without ecclesiastical accountability
• 24:20 authority and authenticity - faulty definition Authenticy means: “talking bluntly about myself all the time.” or “I’m going to say whatever I want.”
• 27:20 Humility: “Many people use humility ‘inauthentically.’”
• 33:20 Christian freedom becoming “Christian Freudom”
• 39:39 On obsessively bashing Fundamentalism, dispensationalism, etc. “The church is not going to hell in a handbasket because of fundamentalism.”
• 40:00 Can a Christian be “cool”? Beware “the idolatry of the image of youth.” “A man’s clothes indicate something about how old he sees himself to be” and if he dresses “like a 40 year old punk” what does that say about him?

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

Just now had a chance to listen to this and thoroughly enjoyed it. Spot on in so many areas.

Per the discussion of false humility, I recently read a post by an extemely popular emergent-esque blogger who—in fit of oblivious irony—thanked her mother for “giving me her self-deprecating humor.” (?!?!)

…haven’t been a fan but I’m becoming one I think. It helps that he is not interested in having fans.
Even on the topic of alcohol, though he clearly regarded the total abstinence approach as unwarranted, he definitely called for restraints on personal freedom and characterized Christian freedom as “really freedom to serve” (or something pretty close to that).

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.