Trisha Lacroix's Psychic Rebirth

Forum category

For those who thought I was nuts that Trisha Lacroix, founder of Do Right Hyles Anderson, derived her beliefs and foundation for her group from the occult, new article where she gives credit for all her success to a psychic.


Help me understand the significance of this

  • Do Right Hyles Anderson is a Facebook group (I’m aware of this but have not followed closely)
  • This is what she founded?
  • Trisha Lacroix: How else (if any) was she / is she connected with Hyles Anderson?


And … I hope I am not leaping to conclusions so please correct me where I am wrong

  • Are you suggesting that Do Right Hyles Anderson is connected with the downfall of Jack Schaap? (I might have derived that from another post or article)
  • And that Schaap’s downfall would not have occurred independent of Do Right H/A?



Help me understand the significance of this

  • Do Right Hyles Anderson is a Facebook group (I’m aware of this but have not followed closely)
  • This is what she founded?
  • Trisha Lacroix: How else (if any) was she / is she connected with Hyles Anderson?


And … I hope I am not leaping to conclusions so please correct me where I am wrong

  • Are you suggesting that Do Right Hyles Anderson is connected with the downfall of Jack Schaap? (I might have derived that from another post or article)
  • And that Schaap’s downfall would not have occurred independent of Do Right H/A?


1. Do Right Hyles Anderson is an FB page that attacks all fundamentalist churches, much the same as DRBJU. The members and founders of both are closely knit.

2. Trisha and Jocelyn Zichterman created the group.

3. Trisha attended Hyles Anderson for 2 years.

4-5. I actually suggest the opposite that DRHAC had nothing to do with the downfall of Schaap, and that even though they take credit for it, the court documents suggest otherwise which I have detailed in our article on Schaap’s sentencing here. and, in our article about the sentencing memorandum that came out prior to his actual sentence, here.

Dr James Ach

What Kills You Makes You Stronger Rom 8:13; 7:24-25

Do Right Christians, and Calvinisms Other Side