A Rapper Writes

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The Christian rapper Shai Linne has recorded a poem called “Fal$e Teacher$” in which he calls out by name a number of well-known figures.

You can read the lyrics here: http://rapgenius.com/Shai-linne-fal-e-teacher-lyrics#lyric

Or you can listen to it at the same link. (I won’t tell.)

One of the people he named was Paula White. Her son took umbrage publicly with Shai Linne.

Here is his response: http://wadeoradio.com/shai-linne-responds-to-paula-white-ministries-open-letter/

What do you think of his response?

I’d prefer that this thread not be a discussion of Christian rap music but of his response.

For the record, I first met Shai Linne in church when I was intrigued by the young man in jeans and dreadlocks who was standing next to me and enthusiastically singing the bass line to “O, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Lyngham) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYHFwYgxc_U I enjoyed talking with him after church but had no idea of how well-known he was till weeks later. At my age there’s little chance of me becoming a rap music fan, but I believe I’m a better off for having met him and realizing that I can have a Christian brother who’s not my twin.


I thought his response was loving and direct. He followed Ephesians 4:15 well.

Roger Carlson, Pastor Berean Baptist Church

A great response- Biblically gracious and theologically sound- about a song with great lyrics. Please at least read the words to the song and listen to what the author has to say about the song (don’t worry, he doesn’t sing in that clip so you wouldn’t be polluted by listening) Here is the link that Ron gave above with the lyrics and the message from the author: http://rapgenius.com/Shai-linne-fal-e-teacher-lyrics#lyric

I will however warn you that he has his hat is on backwards, but let us remember that Hudson Taylor wore Chinese clothing even though the Chinese were pagans.