The Lord's Day

There are many christians in our day that compromise the day of rest by working. Not saying that working at a hospital, a church, or something like that is bad, there are simply too many that choose to pay off debts by working on the Lord’s Day. Paying off debts is a good thing, but not when it comes before serving the Lord. I have had a hard time finding a good practical book on this subject other than David Jeremiah’s “Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World” and Mark Hughes “Disciplines of a Godly Man” which have some depth, but not a whole lot. Every other book I have looked at go too much into a theological debate, rather than giving practical insight and encouragement for those that follow the Lord and taking the day of rest. I am not interested in a theological debate on whether the day of rest is saturday or sunday, but a practical book.

Does anyone know of any other good writings that can balance out the theological with the practical? Thanks..

