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This may be in the works to get tweaked but I’m having trouble checking in.

When I click on my desktop icon it still opens up the site but doesn’t recognize me It obviously then does not show the Mod thread. If I click on other pages it may say Access denied or it may act as though I’m logged in. (Welcome back Mike Mann) If I select log in, my info is there in the form and then I can go anywhere except the Mod thread.


I am having similar trouble. When I go into the Foundry and then open a new tab to comment read a thread and comment I am automatically logged out and have to log in to comment, yet in the other tab I AM logged in and of course in the new tab I cannot log in, it says access denied so I can only open SI in one tab and one thread at a time.

*I just checked and it appears I am only having this trouble with the BJU Alcohol Book thread in the Current Issues and Controversies.

Alex, not sure what would do that, but it sounds cookie related. Something you could try…

Go to your browser’s cookie settings and remove all your sharperiron.org cookies (caution, you will have to sign in again after this and it probably won’t ‘remember’ your password)

Once in a while, I also seem to be logged in on one page but not on another. Not sure yet what causes this, but usually hitting refresh a couple of times takes care of it for me. Probably has to do with how pages are caching in one place or another.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.