What is your view of the current gift of Prophecy (main concept)?

The gift of prophecy in the modern church is interpreted in many ways in our day. Sometimes, folks beleive is several different aspects of the gift.

So please choose what you believe is the predominant aspect of the gift in our day. Then comment with your nuances and qualifying statements, please.

Poll Results

What is your view of the current gift of Prophecy (main concept)?


Much of the Bible addresses the End Times, perhaps 14%. Does the teaching in your church approximate this ratio?

There was a time just a few decades ago when many church emphasized eschatology beyond the subjects of heaven and hell. Although someone might challenge these statistics, I have read that at least 150 chapters of the Bible are predominantly about the End Times and about 14% of the Bible deals with the End Times. I can believe that.

So, the expanded questions sounds like this: If you consider how much fo the Bible deals with the End Times, would you guess that your church’s teaching/preaching ministries resemble the emphasis of Scripture?


Does Isaiah 53:10-11 prophesy the resurrection of Jesus?

Poll Results

Does Isaiah 53:10-11 prophesy the resurrection of Jesus?

Yes, and I side with the Dead Sea Scroll version Votes: 2
Yes, even in the Masoretic Text Votes: 0
Probably or maybe Votes: 1
Unsure Votes: 0
No or probably not Votes: 0
Other Votes: 0


What year was Jesus crucified and resurrected?

Poll Results

What year was Jesus crucified and resurrected?

33 AD Votes: 6
30 AD Votes: 1
31 or 32 AD Votes: 0
Before 30 AD Votes: 3
After 33 AD Votes: 0
No way to know or I have no opinion Votes: 2
Other Votes: 0


The Second Coming of Christ

I thought I was a member of a writing group on this site, or perhaps that was on another website forum. Anyways I would like feedback on my latest article just as long as feedback is only on this article and not on something else that I wrote (which would be off topic). Also I am not interested in theological debates as my audience and intended reader is dispensationalist, and I have no plan or purpose to try and persuade Reformed and others of a different persuasion.
