Are Some Kinds of Instrumental Music Objectively Better Than Others?

Are some kinds (or styles or genres, etc.) of instrumental music *objectively* (i.e., not just because you prefer them) better than others?

If so, what makes them better and how do you support your view that they are better than others?


100 Times through the Psalms!

God allowed me to reach a glorious milestone in my life yesterday morning--I finished reading the book of Psalms for the 100th time since I was saved in 1990! The leading impetus for my intense immersion in the Psalms over the last 12 years (75x through the book since 2012) has been my belief that knowing God's mind fully about what music He accepts in corporate worship is only possible through saturating our minds with His premier revelation about music!


Does your church's main service usually include at least one hymn or vintage Gospel song?

Many churches doe not have hymnals, and many rarely (if ever) sing hymns.

Other church continue to sing mostly hymns.

I am not asking you what you prefer, but the poll question refers to the church you attend. You are encouraged to comment about your preferences.

The subject is about congregational singing, not special music, offertories, etc.

Poll Results

Does your church’s main service usually include at least one hymn or vintage Gospel song?


Do you think traditional hymns are making or will make a comeback?

We are talking about Bible-believing fundamental and evangelical churches in this question.

Some churches have never stopped singing hymns (and we can sloppily include Gospel songs within in the word “hymns” in this broad discussion). Some have continued to sing hymns exclusively, others (like ours) have taken a blended approach. Some churches have Totally forsaken the congregational singing of hymns or have almost totally forsaken them.


Do you think music has become an idol in our churches?

(This is about what you THINK, not what you can prove)

Poll Results

Do you think music has become an idol in our churches?

Yes, in most churches Votes: 8
Yes, in many but not most churches Votes: 9
Yes, in some instances but not commonly Votes: 4
Unsure Votes: 2
No Votes: 1
Other Votes: 0


“A Conservative Christian Declaration”

Religious Affections Ministries released something called “A Conservative Christian Declaration” yesterday, and I was curious to get feedback on it. I read portions of it last night, and (as seems to be usual with RAM) agree with portions of it and scratch my head at other sections.

Has anyone else read it (link) and have comments?

Here’s some of the introductory comments:
