Should the U.S. Retain Obamacare?

It is one thing to say that a program is bad and needs to be scrapped, but, when you are in a position to do so, the rubber meets the roead.

There are problems in life people love to complain about, but really cannot solve. Healthcare seems to be one of those issues. It is a matter of least worse choices.

So, if you were President Trump or a member of Congress, what would you do beyond criticism and complaint?


Will the Obama Care laws requiring everyone to have health insurance affect you in the near future?

Poll Results

Will the Obama Care laws requiring everyone to have health insurance affect you in the near future?

No, not directly; I am already insured or on Medicare Votes: 10
No, I am part of a cost sharing network and covered Votes: 4
Unsure Votes: 2
Yes, I will have to purchase insurance Votes: 5
Other Votes: 4
I am not affected by this law: I am an expatriate or not an American citizen Votes: 1
