Observations Regarding Baptism

vanhetloo_baptism.jpgGod leaves much unreported, not to encourage our speculation, but probably to suggest to us that some things are not terribly important. John the Immerser introduced a new form by which to honor God and along with it an emphasis on its spiritual significance as portraying a personal determination to die unto former fleshly patterns and to begin displaying those patterns of proper conduct expected of God.


"Teach me to love what once I seemed to hate"


God Made Me For Himself
by Henry W. Baker

God made me for Himself, to serve Him here
With love’s pure service and in filial fear;
To show His praise, for Him to labor now;
Then see His glory where the angels bow.
All needful grace was mine, through His dear Son,
Whose life and death my full salvation won;
The grace that would have strengthened me, and taught;
Grace that would crown me when my work was wrought.


Targeting The Art Community?


David Bayly- “Reaching Out or Sucking Up?”:
“True ministry to artists must begin in the recognition that the artist’s art is as fallen and subject to judgment as the artist himself.”
