Is American Christianity Capitulating to Islam?
“The number of Christians in Iraq has decreased from over 1.5 million before the 1991 Iraq war to less than 400,000 today, and the number is rapidly decreasing.” Is American Christianity Capitulating to Islam?
primer on the topic.
Hoping to shed more light than heat..
I did a thorough study of Islam about a decade ago in prep for a seminar at our village community center. Which I also delivered. (And two Muslims were present, too, which was interesting).
One thing could not possibly be more clear to me from that study: Islam is not monolothic. It has all kinds of sects, offshoots, variants, flavors, etc. Just like any other religion, frankly. So the P & D post linked above is in need of lots and lots of qualifiers it doesn’t have. Just about everywhere you see “Islam” and “Muslims” you need qualifiers like “some” and “many” and “usually” and “often” and “sometimes”… etc.
And without research into how many believe A or B or C and what is trending… there is not much that can be generalized.
The Muslims I have talked with did definitely feel a kinship with others around the world, and were reluctant to criticize any Muslim group when speaking to non-Muslims. But, though reluctant, they did go there. That sense of kinship is not unqualified or universal.
As with any group of people, it’s best not to attach the guilt of the worst elements to the whole by association. Golden rule, my friends.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.