"One of the ways to distinguish the authentic fundamentalists from the inauthentic fundamentalists is to get assorted participants to compile a list of the names of the kind and gentle men they knew" sifilings Fri, 11/04/11 8:28 pm Fundamentalism & Evangelicalism Fundamentalism Reclamation Project Discussion Alex Guggenheim Fri, 11/04/11 3:40 pm The blog Remonstrans' main The blog Remonstrans’ main diet of cynicism is its own death. My blog: http://thepedestrianchristian.blogspot.com/ Related . . . Topics: Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, History of Fundamentalism Roger Olson Is Feeling Some Nostalgia for Fundamentalism What Are the Fundamental Doctrines of the Faith? Historical Fundamentalism: A Personal Word Russell Moore: Why I’m a ‘Bible Thumping Fundamentalist’ On Bart Barber and journalistic sloppiness – “The abused theological term was ‘fundamentalist.’” Pagination Previous page 2 Next page There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword,But the tongue of the wise brings healing.(NASB, Proverbs 12:18)
Alex Guggenheim Fri, 11/04/11 3:40 pm The blog Remonstrans' main The blog Remonstrans’ main diet of cynicism is its own death. My blog: http://thepedestrianchristian.blogspot.com/ Related . . . Topics: Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, History of Fundamentalism Roger Olson Is Feeling Some Nostalgia for Fundamentalism What Are the Fundamental Doctrines of the Faith? Historical Fundamentalism: A Personal Word Russell Moore: Why I’m a ‘Bible Thumping Fundamentalist’ On Bart Barber and journalistic sloppiness – “The abused theological term was ‘fundamentalist.’” Pagination Previous page 2 Next page There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword,But the tongue of the wise brings healing.(NASB, Proverbs 12:18)