Harmful Cliches?
“There are some phrases out there that I think people overuse. People expect me to jump into motivational talks or use my life story to comfort someone … But I don’t spew your typical cliché advice.” Rachelle Friedman at HuffPo
Some of the clichés listed are (sort of) Scriptural in basis, (like ‘everything happens for a reason’ and ‘God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle’) but I think they are often misapplied and overused. IMO we may mean well, but when we fall back on trite statements we fail to minister to folks in a meaningful way.
After years of pastoral ministry and crisis ministries (FD, PD, and hospice), I find what Susan is saying to be true. In the immediate moments, we need to just listen. People need you there and most of the time to be quiet. In the days later, you will have plenty of time to talk.
Roger Carlson, PastorBerean Baptist Church