Biden’s Budget: ‘Defund the Police’ No More

“The Budget provides $3.2 billion in discretionary resources for State and local grants, and $30 billion in mandatory resources to support law enforcement, crime prevention, and community violence intervention” - N.Review


It’s worth observing how many politicians and pundits on the right will continue to stoke their base about “defunding the police” as if that was still a thing. It’s more demagoguery from a crowd that no longer cares about truth.

(Defunding never really was thing, except for a few cities that have mostly now abandoned the idea. The version that lives on is the “let’s spend a bit more on crime prevention and other factors upstream of lawbreaking” … which is really a pretty good idea if not overdone, with the result that police can’t staff adequately.)

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

[Aaron Blumer]

It’s worth observing how many politicians and pundits on the right will continue to stoke their base about “defunding the police” as if that was still a thing. It’s more demagoguery from a crowd that no longer cares about truth.

(Defunding never really was thing, except for a few cities that have mostly now abandoned the idea. The version that lives on is the “let’s spend a bit more on crime prevention and other factors upstream of lawbreaking” … which is really a pretty good idea if not overdone, with the result that police can’t staff adequately.)

Defunding the police was (and to a much lesser extent is) a real political movement within the left.

To say, “We realize now that wasn’t such a good idea,” is great. But those people were asinine enough to promote it and in some cites actually try it. Even if you learn that lesson (which I’m suspicious is just them following polls), you are still a person dumb enough to have promoted it.