A North Carolina Pastor calls for gays and lesbians to be fenced in so they can eventually die off

This may be the most unbelievable and morally reprehensible things that I’ve heard in a ‘sermon’ yet, rivaling some of Hyles and Robertson’s doozies. The idea of fencing in sinners so that they die - whether because of premarital sex, adulterous sex or homosexual sex - runs contrary to everything the Bible teaches about how we approach and handle those who are either erring in the faith or those who have not believed.

This is completely contrary to Matthew 5:43-48. Jim’s comment about it being ‘repugnant’ isn’t strong enough.

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin is...no longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells

How do we get out the message of moral outrage and contempt the majority of conservative Baptists want to express over this?

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

It is tempting to posture on this but at least he understands it is a perversion and an abomination. To me equally outrageous are soft-peddlings by alleged Evangelicals about homosexuality while downolaying or ignoring the extra-ordinary immoral and perverse nature of homosexuality. This guy might claim his view from Leviticus, you know the same source many Evangelicals want to selectively use in determining a Christian doctrine on illegal-immigration. Maybe he was just following their hermeneutic example.

[Alex Guggenheim] It is tempting to posture on this but at least he understands it is a perversion and an abomination. To me equally outrageous are soft-peddlings by alleged Evangelicals about homosexuality while downolaying or ignoring the extra-ordinary immoral and perverse nature of homosexuality. This guy might claim his view from Leviticus, you know the same source many Evangelicals want to selectively use in determining a Christian doctrine on illegal-immigration. Maybe he was just following their hermeneutic example.

Are you serious? - “at least he understands it a perversion…..” So in that “at least” there is salvation for incredible stupidity (to say that publicly on video even if you do believe it) and hateful, toxic speech. Are the supposed “soft-peddlings by alleged evangelicals” equally outrageous? I fail how to understand how you could even use the word “posture.” Every child of God should be nauseated by what was said by the Baptist pastor. I am and do not soft peddle my opposition to homosexuality. Thankfully he doesn’t represent any Baptists or any Christians that I know. The man’s a disgrace to the ministry, to the Word of Christ, and has betrayed the mission of the cross. He should repent and resign. If I was an independent Baptist I would be really be embarassed and would encourage IBC churches to mark and avoid this man.

Steve Davis


I understand that his idea is to be rejected for various reasons with regard to Christian doctrine but yes, this is too easily reacted to with posturing demonstrations of outrage when it pales in comparison to the pronouncements of moral acceptability or moral ambivilence toward homosexuality by alleged Evangelicals.

My eyes roled and I chuckled when I read this understanding how crusades of pitchforkers would show up ready to chew him up and spit him out with self- satisfying disgust .

Maybe he is frustrated with the continued normalization of this perversion and overeached but I am not grossly offended. I have heard far more damning utterances from pulpits of rather well known and largely received Teachers.

I am happy to disagree with you on this.

That’s not me - I’ve got a torch!

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

[Alex Guggenheim] Steve

I understand that his idea is to be rejected for various reasons with regard to Christian doctrine but yes, this is too easily reacted to with posturing demonstrations of outrage when it pales in comparison to the pronouncements of moral acceptability or moral ambivilence toward homosexuality by alleged Evangelicals.

My eyes roled and I chuckled when I read this understanding how crusades of pitchforkers would show up ready to chew him up and spit him out with self- satisfying disgust .

Maybe he is frustrated with the continued normalization of this perversion and overeached but I am not grossly offended. I have heard far more damning utterances from pulpits of rather well known and largely received Teachers.

I am happy to disagree with you on this.

I’m sorry you disagree with me on this but I’m very happy I do not have your warped perspective which seeks comparisons that are irrelevant. I’m also happy that few Christians would share your opinion. Did you watch the video?

I usually have one or two inmate homosexuals on my caseload at the prison. I disagree strongly with their lifestyle and they know it. I also believe they can be redeemed and transformed by the power of the gospel. I would be ashamed to have them read the news story about the Baptist pastor and in any way identify his words with Christianity. It wasn’t Christian. There’s also forgiveness for him.

Steve Davis

[Jim Peet]
[Alex Guggenheim] Oh I thought you were in the front second on the left.
That’s Chip!

Jay’s behind him!


No, I had a pitchfork. ;)

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin is...no longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells

I know we are all upset by this foolish statement made from the pulpit, but cool off a little, guys. If this was said among preachers in a private setting, it would not cause half the stir that some of the brethren are making. Be honest. The pastor is suggesting an absurd and exaggerated solution to a serious problem. The point that we should be taking, which is a reality, is that, because reproduction does not take place in this so-called “marriage,” it would be only a matter of time until there would be no more gays. Now that’s a fact, unless some of the brethren have bought into the fallacy that gays are “born” and not “made.” Scientists have not discovered a “gay gene” yet. This pastor should be strongly rebuked, yes, but let’s understand that it is exactly the liberal media that makes fun of creationists that are jumping on this to embarrass us because they know we are truly embassassed and have to agree with them. What the pastor should have said is this: “Gay marriage is against God’s plan for the human race because it cannot fulfill one of his true purposes for marriage, and that is procreation. You know (and I am not suggesting this absurdity) that if all the married gays were separated from society in general, it wouldn’t be many years until there would be no gays because gays do not procreate. This is not to say that we shouldn’t love gays in the name of Christ and work for their salvation because we should. But at the same time we should oppose a gay marriage amendment or any pronouncements of SCOTUS to that effect. God loves gays like He love every other sinner, but God hates the gay lifestyle and the gay agenda, and we should too.”

[jimcarwest] I know we are all upset by this foolish statement made from the pulpit, but cool off a little, guys. If this was said among preachers in a private setting, it would not cause half the stir that some of the brethren are making.
If this were said to me in a private conversation, I would inform the speaker that he had lost a substantial amount of my respect. If there were more than a few people in the conversation, I would probably submit an official complaint to the presbytery and seek an ecclesiastical censure.

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Cor meum tibi offero Domine prompte et sincere. ~ John Calvin