Intersectionality as Religion… It’s infecting evangelicals too.

I could be wrong but my understanding of intersectionality is also used to explain away my views/convictions if I am a member of an oppressive group. If I am a white, heterosexual male then my combined experience makes it impossible for me to be sympathetic to these other groups. Therefore it is justifiable to shut me down by any means necessary. Enter the social justice warriors.

I agree with Burk on how dangerous intersectionality is, and I appreciate his use of the word “infecting” in the title, but this was a frustrating article. He writes,

I think that French is right about this, but I would argue that the influence of intersectionality is not merely a problem among secular liberals. I have observed that many evangelical Christians are beginning to adopt intersectional habits as well. Many evangelicals adjust their language and defer to experiential authority in order not to offend the dogmas of intersectionality. These habits are deeply antithetical to the Christian faith, and yet very few seem to have noticed that yet.

Again, I add my “amen,” but unless someone has studied intersectionality, which can be a notoriously nebulous concept, this is unhelpful. I would love to see some thoughtful, Biblical-rooted essays interacting with specifics on how intersectionality is infecting evangelicalism and how pastors and lay-leaders can help their church families’ push-back in their own hearts and church practices. The Leeman article that Burk links to is probably the best that I’ve read on the topic, but one that I think is still just an entrance into the conversation and possibly leans too far into neo-Marxist power dynamics in its own right.

Intersectionality is one of the most aggravating and slippery ideologies in existence, and, frankly, is an issue with which many CE leaders/theologians are treating with kid gloves (Mohler is an exception that immediately comes to mind). I find myself cringing more and more at many of the TGC articles that steer into this conversation (many of their movie reviews are atrocious and provide cover for evangelicals who are “dabbling” with intersectionality). This is why I was excited to read Burk’s article. Sadly, I was disappointed. Not by his assertions (I agree 100% with his assertions), but by his failure to provide any meat to hang on to his assertions.

It seems that this may be an area in which scholars at historic fundamentalist institutions can step into the breach and serve the Church. Maybe they already are.