Albert Mohler: "We should not be surprised that the secular world confuses sinners and sociopaths, prison and hell"
I think what Julie is trying to say, is what some of us here have expressed in the past. Once a person reaches a certain level, he achieves a celebrity status. The name(person) becomes a product. It sells books, conferences, radio shows, etc.
Unfortunately, humans(Christians) have a habit of showing partiality and idolizing others. We do not treat people who have celebrity status the same way we would treat everyone else. When these religious leaders(celebrities) act in a way that is not in accord with the Gospel, we either overlook their actions, or we ignore them out of fear. We fear because we know that almost always, the others will come to the defense of this person, even though they don’t know them personally- sadly, they defend them because of the denomination they belong to, or because of their celebrity reputation.
There seems to be an unspoken rule in churches. “Do not speak against the Lord’s anointed”, whether it be the local pastor, Benny Hinn, Hank Hannegraff, Billy Graham, etc.
We confuse power and prestige with the Lord’s anointing. We think that if a man has a large following and is respected by most, he must be a Godly person.
[christian cerna]I think what Julie is trying to say, is what some of us here have expressed in the past. Once a person reaches a certain level, he achieves a celebrity status. The name(person) becomes a product. It sells books, conferences, radio shows, etc.
Unfortunately, humans(Christians) have a habit of showing partiality and idolizing others. We do not treat people who have celebrity status the same way we would treat everyone else. When these religious leaders(celebrities) act in a way that is not in accord with the Gospel, we either overlook their actions, or we ignore them out of fear. We fear because we know that almost always, the others will come to the defense of this person, even though they don’t know them personally- sadly, they defend them because of the denomination they belong to, or because of their celebrity reputation.
There seems to be an unspoken rule in churches. “Do not speak against the Lord’s anointed”, whether it be the local pastor, Benny Hinn, Hank Hannegraff, Billy Graham, etc.
We confuse power and prestige with the Lord’s anointing. We think that if a man has a large following and is respected by most, he must be a Godly person.
There are certainly examples that reflect your comments. There are also examples that run contrary to your comments. You have painted with broad strokes, so you certainly are not incorrect to say that “hero worship” can be a problem. But I would suggest that your statements do not accurately reflect the beliefs of anyone in this forum.
We can also be guilty of holding well-known people to standards and accountability that we do not desire for ourselves. If all of our actions, words, tweets, associations, friendships, etc. were evaluated with the scrutiny to which some well-known pastors and authors are, I daresay that we would have dirt against us also.
There is a world of difference between Benny Hinn and Billy Graham
Benny Hinn is a sanctimonious megalomaniac that excels at self-aggrandizement. I cannot think of a single redeeming quality of his ministry. I think it is impossible to whitewash his blasphemy. Benny Hinn does not act as a Christian and he has damaged the cause of Christ.
Billy Graham, by his testimony, is a true believer. He has preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ for many years. Many thousands of people were saved by God’s Spirit when he preached. Billy Graham is not perfect. Billy Graham has often been unclear in differentiating between Catholicism and Evangelicalism. He has preached Gospel, but he has partnered with Catholics who do not give testimony to that same Gospel. I cannot embrace his ministry but I cannot dismiss it as worthless either.
I think we can agree that we should not worship men, but neither should we expect them to be perfect. We follow them as they follow Christ. We should not isolate a single moment, word, or action of their lives and use it to demonize them or the entirety of their ministries. We must have balance and moderation. We must be truthful and loving at the same time.
May Christ Be Magnified - Philippians 1:20 Todd Bowditch
There are videos on Youtube of Billy Graham saying that it is possible for people who don’t believe in Christ or who have never heard of Christ to be saved.
He basically denied that Jesus is the only way to be saved.
After watching that, can you honestly say that Billy Graham is a true Christian?
Todd B. states that its ridiculous to make the claim that Al Mohler isn’t a true Christian. Allow me now to state a few facts about Al Mohler which will prove that he can’t be a Christian. In no particular order: He leads 2 NGO’s of the UN. All NGO’s of the UN must be fully on board with the UN agenda and must promote the UN’s agenda. This is stated clearly on the UN’s website under the criteria for becoming an NGO.
Mohler is the founding fellow of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the SBC as well as (last I saw) Vice Chairman of Focus on the Family. Both of these orgs are NGO’s of the UN with special consultative status. The UN’s agenda is to destroy biblical Christianity while creating a one world gov’t and religion.
Mohler has also signed the Manhattan Declaration with several Roman Catholics. The MD is an ecumenical, dominionist manifesto written by Robert George, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who works for UNESCO. Then goal of the CFR is to create a one word gov’t. The honorary chairman of the CFR is David Rockefeller.
Mohler’s fellow founding fellow of the ERLC and the head of the ERLC is Richard Land. Land is also a member of the CFR. Just check the CFR’s own website if you don’t believe me.
Mohler has also been the chairman of a Billy Graham crusade. Graham is a 33 degree mason who denies biblical doctrine.
Todd further states that it’s “unintelligent” for anyone to think Capitol Hill Baptist Church is affiliated with the Masons. It’s well known that Freemasonry controls the SBC and that past presidents of the SBC have been masons. BTW, Mark Dever, the pastor of Capitol Hill, once dismissed 256 out of the 500 members of his church because they were deemed inadaptable to his change program. Contrary to what Todd believes, a change agent is NOT a Christian but is an agent that facilitates a paradign change from obedience to authority (ie. God) to obedience to the group purpose, mission, vision.
For anyone willing to attend to facts, the facts given above should be enough to prove Mohler can’t be a Christian. And I can give more facts as well.
To learn much more go to
[christian cerna]There are videos on Youtube of Billy Graham saying that it is possible for people who don’t believe in Christ or who have never heard of Christ to be saved.
He basically denied that Jesus is the only way to be saved.
After watching that, can you honestly say that Billy Graham is a true Christian?
I think that we’ve gotten pretty fair afield here, but…
Late in life, Billy Graham has shifted from religious exclusivism to religious inclusivism. Inclusivism attempt to find a loophole in the Gospel for the “noble savage”…the faithful person on an island that has never heard of Jesus. This is a moral dilemma that apologists have struggled with for years. Most notably, Clark Pinnock has adopted this concept of “implicit faith.” Inclusivists argue that people can only be saved through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. However, if they worship God (and normally if they have no abillity to have knowledge of Christ), then God will save them through their implicit faith in Christ. This concept attempts to skirt around a difficult issue by fabricating itself from misinterpreted narrative passages of the Bible. Scripture makes no mention of this concept. Billy Graham is wrong to accept this concept. Technically speaking, though, Billy Graham has not denied the Gospel, he has added a loophole to the Gospel. It’s still wrong, but it doesn’t mean that he has rejected Christ. Like I said, inclusivism is often a belief that deals with hypotheticals.
Billy Graham’s personal testimony relates that his salvation occurred much earlier in life. So unless you believe that it is possible to lose one’s salvation….
I am not whitewashing Billy Graham’s theological decline. I am saying that inclusivism is a mistreatment of the Gospel. But his salvation is dependent upon his acceptance of Christ…and he claimed that many years ago. I do not question his salvation, but I am saddened that his advanced age and frail mind have retreated from the strong stands that he used to take on the Gospel.
May Christ Be Magnified - Philippians 1:20 Todd Bowditch
[bobj]Todd B. states that its ridiculous to make the claim that Al Mohler isn’t a true Christian. Allow me now to state a few facts about Al Mohler which will prove that he can’t be a Christian. In no particular order: He leads 2 NGO’s of the UN. All NGO’s of the UN must be fully on board with the UN agenda and must promote the UN’s agenda. This is stated clearly on the UN’s website under the criteria for becoming an NGO.
Mohler is the founding fellow of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the SBC as well as (last I saw) Vice Chairman of Focus on the Family. Both of these orgs are NGO’s of the UN with special consultative status. The UN’s agenda is to destroy biblical Christianity while creating a one world gov’t and religion.
Mohler has also signed the Manhattan Declaration with several Roman Catholics. The MD is an ecumenical, dominionist manifesto written by Robert George, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who works for UNESCO. Then goal of the CFR is to create a one word gov’t. The honorary chairman of the CFR is David Rockefeller.
Mohler’s fellow founding fellow of the ERLC and the head of the ERLC is Richard Land. Land is also a member of the CFR. Just check the CFR’s own website if you don’t believe me.
Mohler has also been the chairman of a Billy Graham crusade. Graham is a 33 degree mason who denies biblical doctrine.
Todd further states that it’s “unintelligent” for anyone to think Capitol Hill Baptist Church is affiliated with the Masons. It’s well known that Freemasonry controls the SBC and that past presidents of the SBC have been masons. BTW, Mark Dever, the pastor of Capitol Hill, once dismissed 256 out of the 500 members of his church because they were deemed inadaptable to his change program. Contrary to what Todd believes, a change agent is NOT a Christian but is an agent that facilitates a paradign change from obedience to authority (ie. God) to obedience to the group purpose, mission, vision.
For anyone willing to attend to facts, the facts given above should be enough to prove Mohler can’t be a Christian. And I can give more facts as well.
To learn much more go to
Bob, salvation is entirely dependent upon faith in Christ. It does not hinge upon a person’s relationship with the ERLC, UN, CFR, Free Masons, Manhattan Declaration, or Billy Graham. As I state above, your “facts” are imprecise/misleading and they do not even prove what you say that they do.
Earlier in this thread I have addressed a number of the topics you bring up, however:
1) Mohler did sign the Manhattan Declaration. He has since very publicly recanted and apologized for that (what I believe to be) error. You can critique him for supporting it originally, but he certainly does not support it any more.
2) The SBC passed a resolution in 1992 opposing membership and participation in organizations that contradict the Bible, including Free Masonry…
All the other information I have addressed in earlier posts.
May Christ Be Magnified - Philippians 1:20 Todd Bowditch
In 1959, as a young boy, I clearly remember reading Billy Graham’s weekly Q & A column in the Chicago Daily News where he stated that God will find another way to save those who have never heard of Christ. That has been his position for more than 50 years.
By such reasoning, we should stop all missions efforts immediately. Better to leave men in darkness, than expose them to the light which they may reject and thereby incur condemnation.
G. N. Barkman
You are basically saying that Billy Graham is a Christian, because he says he is. So basically, according to you, anyone who says they are a Christian is a Christian. Why is Billy Graham’s Ecumenism acceptable, but Benny Hinn’s money making schemes not? What if Benny Hinn is a real Christian who has just gone astray, and needs to turn back again? After all, Benny Hinn also gives a powerful testimony about how he got saved.
Billy Graham preaches a false gospel. For the Bible says there is only one way to the Father. And that the way that leads to eternal life is narrow. If people can be saved without hearing the gospel or knowing the name of Jesus, then it makes preaching the gospel kinda pointless.
Have you heard these words before?
..for “WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.” How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!”…
In order to be saved, one must call on the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
You state: “Bob, salvation is entirely dependent upon faith in Christ. It does not hinge upon a person’s relationship with the ERLC, UN, CFR, Free Masons, Manhattan Declaration, or Billy Graham. As I state above, your “facts” are imprecise/misleading and they do not even prove what you say that they do.”
First, my facts prove my case. That’s what facts do. Why not try attending to the numerous facts which prove Mohler can’t be a Christian?
You think a man’s salvation is independent of his relationship with the UN, CFR, Free Masons, etc. We will know them by their fruit. A Christian separates from and exposes evil. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. If you love the world, then the love of the father isn’t in you.
Mohler fully supports the UN agenda which is an anti-Christ agenda. He fully supports and works for Richard Land, a member of the CFR, an anti-Christ org. He fully supports and lauds Billy Graham, a mason, who, like all masons, has taken oaths to Lucifer. He also fully supports Graham even though his gospel is a wide road gospel that leads to hell-fire.
Mohler came out publicly against the Manhattan Declaration because he came under too much fire for signing it. But Mohler has never told the truth about its agenda nor has he repudiated its agenda.
To sum up, when a man LEADS organizations dedicated fully to the UN anti-Christ agenda and he follows orders from a member of the CFR and he signs on in agreement with declarations written by men from the UN/CFR and he fully supports known Freemasonic “Christians”, then we know he CAN’T be a Christian on the narrow path to life. We will know them by their fruit. In fact, their is ample evidence for the US government, if it still functioned according to its own laws, to prosecuute Mohler, Land, George. et al for treason.
Billy Graham has been a stooge for Satan since day one. Unfortunately, so many Christian are so naive and so ignorant of Satan’s devices. Read the truth about Billy here:…
[bobj]Bob, that is a bunch of ridiculous speculation and guilt by association. IMHO, that is not what this site is about. Also, it’s considered bad form to jump on a site and start posting links to your own site.Todd B. states that its ridiculous to make the claim that Al Mohler isn’t a true Christian. Allow me now to state a few facts about Al Mohler which will prove that he can’t be a Christian. In no particular order: He leads 2 NGO’s of the UN. All NGO’s of the UN must be fully on board with the UN agenda and must promote the UN’s agenda. This is stated clearly on the UN’s website under the criteria for becoming an NGO.
Mohler is the founding fellow of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the SBC as well as (last I saw) Vice Chairman of Focus on the Family. Both of these orgs are NGO’s of the UN with special consultative status. The UN’s agenda is to destroy biblical Christianity while creating a one world gov’t and religion.
Mohler has also signed the Manhattan Declaration with several Roman Catholics. The MD is an ecumenical, dominionist manifesto written by Robert George, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who works for UNESCO. Then goal of the CFR is to create a one word gov’t. The honorary chairman of the CFR is David Rockefeller.
Mohler’s fellow founding fellow of the ERLC and the head of the ERLC is Richard Land. Land is also a member of the CFR. Just check the CFR’s own website if you don’t believe me.
Mohler has also been the chairman of a Billy Graham crusade. Graham is a 33 degree mason who denies biblical doctrine.
Todd further states that it’s “unintelligent” for anyone to think Capitol Hill Baptist Church is affiliated with the Masons. It’s well known that Freemasonry controls the SBC and that past presidents of the SBC have been masons. BTW, Mark Dever, the pastor of Capitol Hill, once dismissed 256 out of the 500 members of his church because they were deemed inadaptable to his change program. Contrary to what Todd believes, a change agent is NOT a Christian but is an agent that facilitates a paradign change from obedience to authority (ie. God) to obedience to the group purpose, mission, vision.
For anyone willing to attend to facts, the facts given above should be enough to prove Mohler can’t be a Christian. And I can give more facts as well.
To learn much more go to
Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)
Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church, Des Moines, IA
Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University
To Greg,
My facts are speculation? Tell me exactly where my facts became speculation. God forbid I should let others know where they can learn the truth. Want to know more? Want to know what Graham, Mohler, Land, Piper all have in common? They are all Jews.
Bob J
[bobj]To Greg,
My facts are speculation? Tell me exactly where my facts became speculation. God forbid I should let others know where they can learn the truth. Want to know more? Want to know what Graham, Mohler, Land, Piper all have in common? They are all Jews.
Bob J
is that a problem for you?
[bobj]To Greg,
My facts are speculation? Tell me exactly where my facts became speculation. God forbid I should let others know where they can learn the truth. Want to know more? Want to know what Graham, Mohler, Land, Piper all have in common? They are all Jews.
Bob J
is that a problem for you?
I think what Bob is trying to say is that a lot of churches are being compromised by Jews who are trying to distort the gospel of Christ. It happened during the time of the early church. So there is no reason why it cannot happen today.