John Piper to move to Knoxville area while he works on his writing

John Piper will still be warning sinners, just not as Bethlehem Baptist pastor(link is external)

During Piper’s tenure, Bethlehem grew from a one-campus congregation of nearly 300 members to a church with three Twin Cities locations, a seminary and close to 5,000 attendees.

All-Church Annual Meeting(link is external)


Anyone that says things like this will always be popular, but never with the holy.

There is a real condition that has to be met for justification - namely faith in Jesus Christ. And there are real conditions that have to be met for damnation, namely, hardness and unbelief. There is a real choice that we make which unites us with Christ so that we are clothed with his righteousness and have eternal life. And there is real choice that we make - in Adam and in ourselves - which is resistant to the truth and deserving of condemnation. (“The Fame of His Name and the Freedom of Mercy”)


I am hoping your post was accidentally posted to this thread when you really meant for it to be part of a different thread, because I find it incomprehensible that you could exalt Chuck Phelps as the servant of the Almighty while declaring John Piper unpopular with the holy (not sure if that is the holy ones or the Holy One, but either way).

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

I did not and had no intention of ”exalting” Fred Phelps. I pointed out that certain of his views cannot be dismissed. I did say ‘all creatures” including all men are servants of the Almighty and that fact is undeniable. As for Chuck Phelps I’m almost positive I never mentioned him.

”A 2010 survey of U.S. pastors ranked Piper among the 10 most influential living preachers — alongside Billy Graham, Rick Warren and Max Lucado” adding Piper to this list as ”living” is an oxymoron. They are all preachers of the sovereignty of man in salvation, which makes them arminian, which makes them dead.

PS Please don’t insinuate I’m a Calvanist, because I’m not.

”holy” as in the meaning of the word, separate, separated by the Almighty unto his service. It is a term used in scripture; hagios that or they that have been hallowed. Some versions interchange saints and holy. I sometimes use the term holy as it might make people think and search as to what I mean. On the other hand I have others that just jump to the wrong conclusion and in ignorance jump down my throat.


I did not and had no intention of ”exalting” Fred Phelps. I pointed out that certain of his views cannot be dismissed. I did say ‘all creatures” including all men are servants of the Almighty and that fact is undeniable. As for Chuck Phelps I’m almost positive I never mentioned him.

Thank you for taking the time to try to clarify. I don’t completely understand this first paragraph. You realize that Phelps is the leader of the Westborough Baptist Church, right? You cite here your supportive stance toward Westborough mentioned in another thread. I am not sure what you mean when you say you don’t think you ever mentioned him.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

I know who FRED is, but you mentioned someone called Chuck. Try reading what you posted and then you might understand what I posted.

”because I find it incomprehensible that you could exalt Chuck Phelps” your words post 3.

PS This topic is not on Phelps so lets drop it here.

They are all preachers of the sovereignty of man in salvation, which makes them arminian, which makes them dead.

PS Please don’t insinuate I’m a Calvanist, because I’m not.

Well, somebody has to ask, so it might as well be me. So, how is John Piper an Arminian? I know you’re not a Calvinist, Huw, but Piper is. Doesn’t calling him an Arminian just confuse labels that are useful in theological discussions?

Piper writes and preaches that salvation has conditions attached and that the conditions are what man must do.

I’ve already given one example here’s a couple more.

”When the Old Testament says that covenant-keeping is the condition for receiving God’s lovingkindness, that’s what it meant”. (Future Grace)

‘Not everybody is saved from God’s wrath just because Christ died for sinners. There is a condition we must meet in order to be saved. I want to try to show that the condition, summed up here as repentance and faith, is conversion and that conversion is nothing less than the creation of a Christian Hedonist. (Desiring God)

”Unconditional election does not mean that our final salvation or condemnation is unconditional. (“The Fame of His Name and the Freedom of Mercy”

The doctrine of grace needs to be experienced to be understood and it’s evident that Piper is not in that number. He’s read about it, studied it in some detail, but he gets confused in regard to the sovereign power exercised in the salvation of a sinner and the endurance of a saint. The reason for this is simple. To be saved he did something and to endure he’s doing something else. I don’t know what that something was or indeed is but it was a condition of his salvation and he tries to place the same condition on others.

I agree about the labels, but I see them as flags and the fact someone flies a flag allows us to discover who or what they are fighting for. The fact that someone flies the flag of Calvinism means nothing. Many do are are found to be wolves in sheeps clothing. Through their teaching they vex the souls of the children and sometimes the young men.

Blessings, H.

You know for certain that John Piper is not saved?

I could not and would not call him brother on the basis of what he teaches. I find the doctrine of the sovereignty of man in salvation to be obscene. I have seen the results of this doctrine and I have witnessed the end of the doctrine.

In case I’m accused of being frightened to answer your question, the answer is no he is not saved.

Where are the SI moderators today?

Donn R Arms

Thanks for your honesty in condemning a brother to the flames.

Did you read the works of Piper where you got the above sentences, or find them somewhere?

Please tell me what is wrong with this statement:

“There was only one hope for me – that the infinite wisdom of God might make way for the love of God to satisfy the wrath of God so that I might become a son of God. This is exactly what happened, and I will sing of it forever.”

or this one:

“If life from the dead is given to you by grace, and freedom from Satan is given to you by grace, and the hope of eternal kindness is given to you by grace, then there is only one possible way to receive these things—through FAITH.”

Is faith the condition you regard as “the sovereignty of man”?

With the greatest respect I have not condemned him to flames. That is a predetermined choice of the Almighty if He so pleases. What I have done is answered your question and if you had any grace you would not have asked the question.

Do I condemn his teaching? yes

Do I know that this teaching is that of a blind guide ? yes

Do I know that he will never be saved? no, of course not.

We are told not to believe every spirit, but to test them (teaching). Messiah complimented the eclessia at Ephesus for testing the apostles that came and found them to be liars. Simon Magus was found to be false.

I do nothing that is not expected of me and do so diligently.

Well, Huw, you are quite the fellow!

Now, why, in your grace-filled wisdom, did you not answer my questions?

One more try:

1)Have you read the complete works from which you derived your Piper quotes?


2) What do you think of his other quotes I referenced? Do you have problems with them as they are?

3) Is faith the condition you regard as “the sovereignty of man”?

Huw is another one of a long-line of SI posters who, after a series of unbiblical and, at times, nonsensical postings, have been asked either publicly or privately about his church attendance/membership and has revealed that he has no church connection. It’s happened too many times for me to consider it coincidental.

Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)

Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church(link is external), Des Moines, IA

Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University

How can it be so if Messiah adds to the eclessia daily such as should be saved? are you suggesting he fails to do this when He saves? Or do see the eclessia as a building, built with the hands of men, ruled by men and for the glory of man?

When I was saved, at home and on my own, the effects of my salvation were seen and felt by all that knew me. The change was so great that my own father didn’t recognize me. People who knew me were approaching me to find out what had happened. The people in the club I frequented took out a book, of bets, as to how long it would last. All bets are now off. And finally a man who never attended school after the age of 13 years can now sit here and type this message.

I did not seek nor ask for salvation. If I had been offered salvation I would have answered, tomorrow maybe, but not today. I had no part in anything with regard my justification, conversion, repentance or new birth, but I say say as Job did, I know my redeemer lives. amen.

And your testimony is….?