Jack Klem, President of Clearwater Christian College, launches blog: A WORD about THINGS that MATTER sifilings Mon, 11/05/12 8:29 pm Fundamentalism & Evangelicalism Clearwater Christian College Jack Klem A WORD about THINGS that MATTER 1 view Discussion Mike Harding Tue, 11/06/12 3:41 pm Theologian I heard Dr. Klem at the DBTS preacher’s conference. He is a fine expositor and a theologically learned man. I think his appointment will be very good for CCC. Pastor Mike Harding Related . . . Topics: Clearwater Christian College Change and Die? Clearwater Christian College closing Clearwater Christian College announces new president Researcher compares assets and enrollment of major fundamentalist educational institutions CCC Founder , Dr. Arthur E. Steele, went to be with his Lord on March 2, 2011 Pagination 1 Next page Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.(ESV, Proverbs 17:27)
Mike Harding Tue, 11/06/12 3:41 pm Theologian I heard Dr. Klem at the DBTS preacher’s conference. He is a fine expositor and a theologically learned man. I think his appointment will be very good for CCC. Pastor Mike Harding Related . . . Topics: Clearwater Christian College Change and Die? Clearwater Christian College closing Clearwater Christian College announces new president Researcher compares assets and enrollment of major fundamentalist educational institutions CCC Founder , Dr. Arthur E. Steele, went to be with his Lord on March 2, 2011 Pagination 1 Next page Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.(ESV, Proverbs 17:27)