Known issues in 3.1

Forum category

This post is where we’ll list known problems in the 3.1 update… just so you know what’s already being worked on. Note: the forum software we’re using at present is BETA, so… stuff will definitely not be entirely right for a while.

  • Topic moved notes - Some (all?) front page articles that post automatically on a schedule appear in the threads list with “this topic has been moved to” and a link. The link just goes to the regular location… and no move has actually occurred.
  • Number of new posts, etc. in the main forum lists don’t seem to be updating very well at this point
  • Internet Explorer 7 - IE7 is not rendering the site correctly… it’s a mess. This is not really a flaw with our site. Please update to IE8 or Firefox, Chrome or Safari. They all handle the site just fine. Update: we have made some adjustments that improve the look in IE7. The Foundry is still pretty messed up. Might turn out to be easiest to make an alternate Foundry page for users of IE7 and older.
  • Errors when creating polls - some users experience errors when creating a new poll and clicking the bottom to add a new poll question. You can ignore these errors for now. The poll still posts.
  • Internet Explorer 8 - some users experience “white page with no styling” on various pages of the site, mainly threads reached by using comment links on the New Posts page. Update: this has been resolved (no issues as long as the site’s css compression is enabled)
  • IE 8 comment links - Links to “last post” and to particular comments (from New Posts page, etc.) do not go to the last comment/particular comment in Internet Explorer 8. They do go to the right page. No idea yet why this happens. So far, no other browsers seem to be having this problem.
  • New 12/3/10 Forum Selection Dropdown: after a security update, this dropdown no longer defaults to the current forum when you start a new thread. This is a known bug and should be fixed soon. Fixed 12/20/10

NOTE: if you are seeing any additional problems or have information you’ve observed about any of the problems above, please post in this thread.


Please use this thread to report technical problems with the new site update (“3.1”).


Aaron, that helped. The pages look good now using links from the New Posts page, and I am logged in. Thanks.

Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)

Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church, Des Moines, IA

Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University

I noticed the blogroll now appears in a linear format, one after the other. I miss the old format which showed them three wide in rows in little boxes. It made it much easier to flow through and see what was new as well as being able to distinguish the separate posts.

Just a little thing. Overall, everything looks great and functions well. Can’t imagine the kind of work that goes into a site upgrade like this. Appreciate SI VERY, VERY much.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

When I’m in New Posts and I click on a certain post on a thread (say, the last one or the third to last one) instead of taking me to that post it takes me to the top of the thread.

Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)

Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church, Des Moines, IA

Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University

[Greg Long] When I’m in New Posts and I click on a certain post on a thread (say, the last one or the third to last one) instead of taking me to that post it takes me to the top of the thread.
Hmm… I’m not seeing that behavior. The links have been redesigned to avoid that problem…they’re definitely not constructed the way they were before.

I’ll check it out in IE and see if I can find any clues.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

Also when I’m in a thread and click the Last Post link at the top it doesn’t take me to the last post but rather takes my to the top of the thread (kind of like my page refreshes and I’m right back where I started).

Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)

Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church, Des Moines, IA

Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University

It’s frustrating trying to work with Microsoft products. :~

These links work correctly in Firefox and Chrome and IE7—even IE6—but not IE8!

But I realize I can’t expect 3/4 of the world that uses IE (more like 7/8?) to switch to a better designed browser just for us. :D

Will see if I can find a bug posted anywhere and if not, get one started… this is not a styling thing, so it’s in a neck of the woods I don’t know my way around in.

On a positive note, FWIW, the styling issues in IE7 have been almost entirely fixed now so the site works just about as well in IE7 as in Firefox/Chrome/Opera.

Edit: Greg & other IE8 users - looks like these links do go to the right pages at least. As a workaround, it may help to lower your “comments per page” settings so that you are closer to the right target when using these links.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

The font that this site renders when using safari to send a message is way too small.

[jwolf6589] The font that this site renders when using safari to send a message is way too small.
Thanks for the info. Is this when you send a private message?

Debugging CSS for Safari is a bit tricky at present because I don’t have a Mac, but if you can be as specific as possible about where you’re seeing the problem, we can probably track it down. Jim’s got several Macs so we can probably trial an error with him on the phone.

(Or somebody could donate one to SharperIron :D )

Edit: tweaked one setting a bit. See if it’s still a problem… or if you see any change at all. Thx

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

When I send a message or post on a board I am finding that the font is way too small. Private message? Did not know one could do that here.

[jwolf6589] When I send a message or post on a board I am finding that the font is way too small. Private message? Did not know one could do that here.
The PM stuff is in your profile.

So the posting font is too small. I get that one. But where do you “send a message”? In any case, sounds like the same form or one that shares the same styling.

Have you seen no change? I suspect that it’s more a font issue than a font size issue. That is, the CSS is probably calling for a font that doesn’t exist on the Mac and the substitute is one that has a much smaller base size. It’s currently set to 13px.

But I’ll see if I can tweak the actual font selection and get a Mac font into the list.

Edit: try it now. It should look different.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

Okay we shall see. Actually it looks to be a little bigger. However the formatting toolbar above it is much smaller in proportion. I wish I could paste a screen shot here, but it appears this board does not allow that. The font look is okay, it was just the size that troubled me, but know it appears that it looks fine for me. Your website loads fast (unlike on CARM) so not much issues there.


Yes it all looks larger know, even when I look at my post. So whatever you did, you made the font larger and look more attractive on the Mac. I am using Safari and have not tried FF or Chrome. I fact I think that Chrome is not worth a download, so not sure about FF. I usually only use FF or a Windows OS if I am forced too. Some websites do not work in Safari, and even others will not work in anything but IE. However the signature is small.