Have you ever had any really strange dreams?
{I shared the following on Facebook yesterday and decided to share it here, so I could ask if anyone else has had any strange or profound dreams.)
Last night, I had the strangest, most profound dream I’ve ever had.
In the dream, I was in my living room, and my wife handed me her phone, telling me someone was on the line for me. I didn’t hear the first few words clearly, but the voice was definitely my dad, who passed away about three years ago. He was just chatting, and I don’t remember exactly what he said. Of course, since my dad is dead, I didn’t believe it was actually him, so I started walking toward my bedroom so I could hear better and then ask, “Who is this?”
As I was walking down the hall past the bathroom, my dad stepped out of the bathroom, and his lips were saying the exact things I was hearing on the phone, even though my dad didn’t have a phone in his hand. At that moment, I asked, “Who is this?” and my dad looked at me and said, “Why, It’s me.”
The rest of my family then crowded around my dad, who looked years and years younger than when he had died. At this point, I realized I was dreaming, since having your deceased father in your hallway looking years younger is a dead give-away that this is a dream (no pun intended.) I even remember thinking “Why do my dreams do this to me?” Someone then asked my dad, “How old are you?” He stuck his chin up, puffed out his chest, and said, “24.”
At that point, I walked back out to the living room, sat on the couch, and started crying. Even though I knew it was a dream, it was still really emotional seeing him again, He joined me in the living room, and since I’m naturally curious, I just had to ask him the question one would typically ask a person who’s been in heaven. I asked, “What is heaven like?” I was curious about what kind of answer my brain would come up with, since I was still totally aware that this was a dream.
I was expecting my brain would come up with some comment about streets of gold or angels or seeing loved ones. Instead, my dad said, “Heaven is like _____ Lake in Korea.” (He said some foreign lake name that I can’t remember). I was dumbfounded, since I couldn’t figure our how heaven would be like a Korean lake. He then said, “Yesterday, we were fighting and fighting to take control of the lake away from the enemy. This morning, … it’s ours” Then I woke up.
As I was waking up and trying to process what my dad had just said, I realized how profound it was. He gave a picture of chaos and war and pain and death, and then, the next morning, peace with no fighting. Surely that IS what heaven is going to be like, and I don’t think my mind could have come up with something so profound on it’s own. Maybe my dad DID visit me last night after all. (I’d kinda like to think that he did.)
By the way, my dad was in the army during the Korean War, but he was stationed in Japan and didn’t see any fighting. I’m understanding the “we” in “we were fighting” to be a universal “we” signifying the entire army. After I woke up, I went through the dates in my head, and my dad’s age during the Korean War was … 24.
My most heartbreaking dream took place when I was 14, shortly after my 16-year-old brother passed away. He had been hit by a drunk driver while riding his bike. I dreamed he was still alive and i was so excited. Then I woke up and was devastated that I had just been dreaming. I got out of bed and walked into another room all sad, only to see my brother in that other room. He really WAS alive. Oh the joy. His whole death had just been a dream that I was now waking up from. Then I REALLY woke up and was all the more heartbroken that my brain had given me a dream within a dream.
I have a lot of very complex dreams with many characters interwoven in some type of quandary. It is always solved just before my alarm goes off. My son, who wants to be a director, always tells me my dreams could be successful films. What’s strange is that I’m not creative or particularly bright.
I also have a lot of dreams where I am protecting loved ones from some kind of threat. I once dreamed that all the spider man villains were coming for my kids and I (brutally) killed them. That one I actually repented of when I awoke.
I try not to “interpret” dreams. In my case, they are just too bizarre. On several occasions, the night before I preach, I dream of a better way to say something in my sermon. Is that some type of leading of the Holy Spirit or am I just dreaming about what I’m thinking about? I have no idea but I’m always thankful when it happens!
[josh p]I have a lot of very complex dreams with many characters interwoven in some type of quandary. It is always solved just before my alarm goes off. My son, who wants to be a director, always tells me my dreams could be successful films. What’s strange is that I’m not creative or particularly bright.
That reminds me of when I woke up from a dream and realized that the action in the dream was actually the culmination of a series of events that had happened in a previous dream. I woke up from the previous dream before i was able to see the ending, so I was really glad I was able to dream the sequel.
I don’t normally dream, or at least I’m not aware of my dreams and don’t remember them upon waking. I do remember once, in our second year of marriage, that I dreamed my wife was at the hospital in labor with our child and no matter how hard I tried, I kept getting lost and couldn’t find the hospital. I grew more and more distraught until finally I woke up.
What’s strange is that we didn’t have any children yet, and had not talked about trying to get pregnant up to that point.
The next morning on the way to church I told my wife about the dream and she gasped. She told me she had been wanting to talk about trying to have kids, and she prayed that God would cause me to dream something so that I would bring the conversation up. We stopped using birth control and the next month our oldest was conceived.
….did you make it to the hospital on time? :^)
I’ve had a few weird dreams, but the one that takes the cake is actually a dream that a (very Catholic) friend had where I had become Pope and was driving around in a souped-up Popemobile solving mysteries. Thankfully that one didn’t happen. I do get a few from time to time where I start asking what is real and what is the dream, and sometimes I take that as a bit of wisdom in how to do things when I’m awake.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
[josh p]I’m not sure that one would have to repent of killing spiderman villains.I also have a lot of dreams where I am protecting loved ones from some kind of threat. I once dreamed that all the spider man villains were coming for my kids and I (brutally) killed them. That one I actually repented of when I awoke.
Now, if you realize you’re dreaming and you then make the bad moral decision because you know “this is just a dream,” then you would probably need to repent. (and yes, that has happened to me.)
[Kevin Miller]I’m not sure that one would have to repent of killing spiderman villains.
Now, if you realize you’re dreaming and you then make the bad moral decision because you know “this is just a dream,” then you would probably need to repent. (and yes, that has happened to me.)
Yeah it was a tough one. It was the extreme brutality in the way that I killed them in the dream. It was more like, “Lord I’m sorry that that kind of thing is in me.”
[Bert Perry]….did you make it to the hospital on time? :^)
I’ve had a few weird dreams, but the one that takes the cake is actually a dream that a (very Catholic) friend had where I had become Pope and was driving around in a souped-up Popemobile solving mysteries. Thankfully that one didn’t happen. I do get a few from time to time where I start asking what is real and what is the dream, and sometimes I take that as a bit of wisdom in how to do things when I’m awake.
Well, we planned to have a home birth and only went to the hospital after labor failed to progress at home. She didn’t have the baby in the car, so I guess we did. :D
I have this recurring nightmare …
A social media website becomes dominated about posts about music.
[Jim]I had the same dream!! Only in my dream, some rude people kept making snarky, off-topic posts in the threads. :)I have this recurring nightmare …
A social media website becomes dominated about posts about music.
where I am preaching as a guest in a church. The church is usually a combination of other churches I have been in before. The nightmare is I can’t find my sermon and the clock is ticking. I am looking all over for my Bible with my notes and am getting nervous. One time I had a dream where I was a guest preacher and I was in shorts and a t shirt and I couldn’t find my suit.
Don't be a great pastor, just be a pastor and let history judge for itself.
[Pastor Rob V]I deliver mail, and I had a dream in which, as I was delivering, I suddenly realized I needed to be back at the main office in 30 minutes to get outgoing mail on the last truck to downtown. I still had three hours of delivery left, however, and I was panicking, trying to figure out why it had taken me so long to get to that point on the route.where I am preaching as a guest in a church. The church is usually a combination of other churches I have been in before. The nightmare is I can’t find my sermon and the clock is ticking. I am looking all over for my Bible with my notes and am getting nervous. One time I had a dream where I was a guest preacher and I was in shorts and a t shirt and I couldn’t find my suit.
where I was running for some reason and I couldn’t run. I would be playing softball and it took forever to get to first base. What in the world is wrong with us? lol
Don't be a great pastor, just be a pastor and let history judge for itself.
I had one of my flying dreams last night. I was running through a field, and then my feet weren’t touching the ground anymore. then I went higher and higher. It was great.
We will all fly away as the catching away of the Saints happens. When I was a boy Superman was my hero. I had the comic books,watched the cartoons, saw the movies. As I think about the time when Jesus changes us all to be with Him and we are caught up I think that I get to act like my imaginary childhood hero because the true hero who saved my soul.
Don't be a great pastor, just be a pastor and let history judge for itself.