Merry Christmas from the Ryan McCammack Family
Dear SI,
My name is Ryan McCammack, and I will be making my first contribution to the world of ShaperIron in the near future. I’m looking forward to it; I think. It’s a little unnerving after reading the voluminous material that flows from Dr. Bauder’s pen. Wow! He’s a well-thought-out fellow.
My wife, Tricia, and I have been married for five years now after meeting at Northland Baptist Bible College. Our story is basically one of me chasing and her fleeing. Then one day I think she just got tired, and I caught her. She is a wonderful wife, and I am grateful that the Lord has allowed me to share my life with her. We have two sons, Ian and Calvin. Ian turned four this month and recently informed me that since he is four now he is going to be much more obedient (let’s hope so). Our other son, Calvin, will be two in February, but he is not as into making promises about future obedience as his brother. Tricia is also pregnant with our third; we’re pulling for a boy again so that our home will be complete chaos. She’s due in June.
Our happy clan lives in Joliet, Illinois, a southwest suburb of Chicago and home of the infamous Statesville Penitentiary. I grew up in Joliet, but we moved back here just about three years ago when I became the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. I thoroughly enjoy the ministry here, and if the Lord wills, I plan to stay until I die. The Lord has been very faithful in growing the church and their young pastor. One exceptional blessing God has given us this year is that he has enabled us to bring on Bryan Heller as our associate pastor. He and his wife, Elaine, have been such a blessing to our church body, particularly to me. Over the last few months I feel like the Lord is helping me to become a better preacher, and there is no question in my mind that the human explanation for this is the consistent, humble help that Bryan lends. He shares a good deal of the leadership and administrative load, and I am very thankful to God for him. God has been so gracious to us at Calvary, and I am greatly looking forward to his continued work in the future.
Personally, this past year has been stretching. Balancing family life, new church responsibilities and polishing up my M.Div from Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA) has sent the learning curve on an upward swing. I’m glad the Lord does not wait to use us until we get it all figured out. I believe I would be in particular trouble.
I look forward to getting to interact with you all, and hope what I write is in some way helpful to your life and ministry.
Merry Christmas,