Christmas Greetings from the Les Heinze Family
Merry Christmas to every SI reader from Les Heinze. My prayer is that you will have a wonderfully prosperous New Year as you grow in grace.
Our kids are grown and out of the home, and even though that is a wonderful stage of life, Starry and I are really enjoying being “empty-nesters.” We have a daughter, Amanda, who is married to Michael Fizer who is in dental school in Morgantown, West Virginia. They have three preschool children whom we would love to spend more time with if we could, and we await the day when they will move our way. Our son, Ben, is single and lives in downtown Denver but is leaving us the week after Christmas for a job transfer to Seattle, Washington. He loves the ocean and even the weather of Seattle, so he is excited about this change. I try not to take it personally that our two children have chosen to live on opposite sides of the country from us!
Undoubtedly the biggest event taking place in our ministry here at Red Rocks is the approaching culmination of our relocation efforts. It has been a lengthy and taxing process that started back in 1999. We are scheduled to move into the 77,000 square-foot phase 1 building of our new facility in February of 2007. It has been a journey of faith that has stretched our entire church and me in every way. Jason Janz has been a great help to me in spearheading our efforts to capitalize on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reach our new mission field. Thousands of homes have been built recently in this western area of metro Denver, and thousands more will be built right around our new facility. We want to be a “light on the hill” to our needy city as well as the rest of Colorado.