‘Rise Up, O Men of God!’

By Paul J. Scharf

It has often been noted that—tempted as we as preachers might be—we can never preach to the crowd that is not present. This column might be a bit unusual, then, as one might say that it is presented for the person who will never read it. At least in the case of the written word, however, it can be posted for all to see—and share.

Let me also preface my remarks by stating up front that many of the best responses we have seen in our service with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry have been in small churches—sometimes to such an extent that it is almost beyond …

On Church, Part 3: What’s the Point?

By DOlinger

Read the series.

I’ve suggested in the earlier posts in this series that you ought to be part of a local church, an assembly of (admittedly broken) believers—that reasons for not doing that are invalid, and that those same reasons actually call for serious commitment, for becoming an active, registered member.

OK, now that you’re a member, what’s next? What’…

Faithfulness in a Broken Culture (Part 2)

By Guest

Read Part 1.

Cultural engagement does not mean compromise, it means boldness. Many fundamentalists have looked at the culture and thought that we need to distance ourselves to stay faithful. We need to be more like Elijah at Mt Carmel declaring the superiority of Christ even against stern opposition. We have a huge advantage when we speak the truths of Scripture to the world around us. One of the great problems of our day is that we do not know the Scriptures well enough to be bold in them…