When You’re Tempted to Hate People, Part 3: Compassion

By DOlinger

Read the series.

In his primary description of himself, God includes a list of related attributes (Ex 34.6-7):

CompassionateGraciousSlow to angerAbounding in lovingkindnessAbounding in truthKeeping lovingkindness for thousandsForgiving iniquity, transgression, and sinNot leaving the guilty unpunishedVisiting the iniquity of fathers upon children


On Crafting a Good Sermon: Qualities & Pieces

By Aaron Blumer

As I approach my 60th year of life, I find myself more aware of things I’ve learned that I should try to pass on to future generations. One of those skillsets is how to craft a good sermon. I still have room for improvement, but I do have an approach to sermon-crafting and delivery that a fair number of preachers could learn something from.

A little context: I heard more than a thousand sermons by the time I finished grade school. In high school, we were required to take notes, so I probably outlined a couple hundred during those years (Sunday AM, PM, Wednesday PM and youth…

Disingenuousness and “Expansion” Language

By Paul Henebury

Read the series.

A Plea for Plain Speaking

I am considering this matter of plain speaking in theological discourse, and have noted my dislike of those views which put something in a such way that it is easy to mistake the intentions. We are used to being given the run-around by the cults—for they deal in duplicity—but evangelical brothers and sisters can do this sort of thing too. I only wish to issue a plea for plain-speaking.

Any “liberal” scholar will attest to the fact that the Four…