Church Discipline & Defending the Faith, Part 1

By Stephen Davey

From Voice, Jan/Feb 2015. Adapted from Stephen Davey’s book In Pursuit of Prodigals. Kress Biblical Resources (The Woodlands, TX, 2010).Used by permission.

Paul instructed Timothy to “fight the good fight of the faith” (1 Timothy 6:12) which means we must engage in an active defense of the faith. That battle for truth begins in the local church where truth and holiness must be defended. And of necessity that involves church discipline. But what exactly is church…

When You’re Tempted to Hate People, Part 3: Compassion

By DOlinger

Read the series.

In his primary description of himself, God includes a list of related attributes (Ex 34.6-7):

CompassionateGraciousSlow to angerAbounding in lovingkindnessAbounding in truthKeeping lovingkindness for thousandsForgiving iniquity, transgression, and sinNot leaving the guilty unpunishedVisiting the iniquity of fathers upon children


On Crafting a Good Sermon: Qualities & Pieces

By Aaron Blumer

As I approach my 60th year of life, I find myself more aware of things I’ve learned that I should try to pass on to future generations. One of those skillsets is how to craft a good sermon. I still have room for improvement, but I do have an approach to sermon-crafting and delivery that a fair number of preachers could learn something from.

A little context: I heard more than a thousand sermons by the time I finished grade school. In high school, we were required to take notes, so I probably outlined a couple hundred during those years (Sunday AM, PM, Wednesday PM and youth…