Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics Tackles ‘Myths About Dispensationalism’

By Paul J. Scharf

The 17th Annual Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 18 and 19, at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa. The theme for this year’s conference is, “Answering the Myths About Dispensationalism.”

“CDH is an academic study group established in 2008 for traditional dispensationalists, where various issues are studied in regional settings in different parts of the United States,” explained Mike Stallard, vice president for international ministries with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry and…

A Note from Joel Tetreau

By Joel Tetreau

Dear friends at SI:

First, an apology.

I do feel bad that I have not been active here at SI for several years.

I can assure you my inactivity here has had nothing to do with SI. The last many years have been a blur. I will finish off 26 years as lead pastor at SVBC on Dec 31. This means I will have completed about 34 years of vocational ministry. On January1, I will transition from being lead pastor of Southeast Valley Bible Church to being full time in my work at the Institute of Biblical Leadership (IBL).

In the midst of all kinds of ministry both at SEVBC and…

Lectures to My Students: Attention, Part 1

By Guest

From Lectures to My Students: A Selection from Addresses Delivered to the Students of The Pastors’ College, Metropolitan Tabernacle

First Series, Lecture IX
By C.H. Spurgeon

Our subject is one which I find scarcely ever noticed in any books upon homiletics—a very curious fact, for it is a most important matter, and worthy of more than one chapter. I suppose the homiletical savans consider that their entire volumes are seasoned with this subject, and that they need not give it to us in lumps, because, like sugar in tea, it…