On Winning the War, Part 4: The Devil

By DOlinger

Read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

The third front in our three-front war, according to the common saying, is “the devil.” In the Old Testament he’s called Hasatan, the adversary; in the New, ho diabolos, the accuser (literally, the one who throws things through you). The biblical description clearly presents him as a person, someone…

On the Supernatural: Can We Call It Something Else?

By Aaron Blumer

My earliest memory of a “witch” is of a pretty young lady named Samantha making magical things happen by twitching her nose with a quirky sound effect. It was the 1964 sitcom, “Bewitched.” We watched the reruns over and over. Another childhood memory is of the cackling crone in the Bugs Bunny cartoons, who left hair pins in her wake whenever she ran. I later learned she also had a name: Witch Hazel.

And who in my generation could forget…

Gideon: Man of Faith

By Paul J. Scharf

Read Part 1.

Although Gideon is certainly a man driven by his anxieties when we first meet him in Judges 6, the magnificent accomplishments which God worked through him were definitely done on the basis of faith.

Indeed, this man of fear became a man of faith—and it was that faith that drove one of the greatest victories in all of Biblical history.

Now, in his first recorded words, Gideon exuded unbelief (Judg. 6:13). But shortly thereafter, in spite of the inadequacies that plagued him,…