Gideon: Man of Faith

By Paul J. Scharf

Read Part 1.

Although Gideon is certainly a man driven by his anxieties when we first meet him in Judges 6, the magnificent accomplishments which God worked through him were definitely done on the basis of faith.

Indeed, this man of fear became a man of faith—and it was that faith that drove one of the greatest victories in all of Biblical history.

Now, in his first recorded words, Gideon exuded unbelief (Judg. 6:13). But shortly thereafter, in spite of the inadequacies that plagued him,…

A Good God in a Wicked World: Considering the Problem of Evil, Part 1

By Guest

From DBSJ 22 (2017): 75-90. Republished with permission.

by Jonathan Moreno1


Elie Wiesel trusted in God. As a boy, he believed that Yahweh cared deeply for him and his people. All that changed in the grueling death camps of Nazi Germany. Elie was a Jew. Subjected to the horrific atroc­ities of Auschwitz, his faith was shattered as his God seemed to sit idly by while countless victims suffered through the darkest evils imaginable at the…

A Consideration of New Covenant Passages (Part 1)

By Paul Henebury

Especially among Dispensationalists, the subject of the New covenant creates a bone of contention. Perhaps the majority Dispensationalists hold that the Church has no participatory relationship in the New covenant. Many others believe that the Church does participate in the trickle-down effects of the New covenant, which is still thought to be made with Israel as full parties. Then there are those, myself included, who believe that the Church is made a full party to the New covenant alongside of Israel. Though some variation of these positions exist, these differences are easily seen in…