Some PhD FAQs Jim Sat, 09/15/18 8:31 pm BodyIf you main goal is to procure some kind of status symbol or have people call you Dr., I’d angle for an honorary doctorate somewhere (obviously, I’m not suggesting people with honorary degrees have angled for one). Sure, I’ll be proud to have finished my work, but I find it distasteful when people insist on being called Dr. (often without an academic degree) or when they put PhD after every byline. Discussion
What Does Earning a PhD Mean? TylerR Thu, 12/21/17 8:30 pm BodyMichael Heiser: This is what a PhD (a real one) gives you: domain knowledge and the guidance that comes with peer review / interaction. It doesn’t mean you know everything or will always be right. But it does mean you know a whole lot and won’t be wrong with the staggering frequency that people without the PhD experience will be. Discussion
So you want to be a Doctor? Jim Mon, 07/20/15 8:30 pm Body“PhD’s are becoming more and more common, particularly in the church. … Are you wishing to teach at a seminary or use your PhD in the pastoral ministry? I know literally dozens of able, gifted men who have PhD’s but do not have a position at a Seminary. Discussion