On Richard Dawkins and ‘cultural Christianity’


“Though Dawkins has spoken of his “cultural Christianity” before, this feels like another staging-post on a journey towards the good Professor finally admitting that the New Atheism, of which he was such a shining light, was wrong in crucial respects.” - The Telegraph



New Atheism Is Dead. What’s the New New Atheism?


Alister McGrath: “…the world has moved on and has rather left the New Atheism behind…But that’s no cause for rejoicing, because we have new problems to worry about.” - CToday


Is the New Atheism Dead?


“Though it’s not always clear when a movement is over, there are many indicators that suggest this is the case of the ‘New Atheism,’ a cultural wave that rose in the 2000s and aggressively attacked religion in the guise of scientific rationalism” - Breakpoint


Tactics of the New Atheists


“…atheists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss discussed the merits of their approaches to ‘ridding the world of religion.’ In a recent interview with Steve Paikin, they made it clear that, despite their sometimes different personas, they have the same agenda — getting people to get rid of their belief in God.
