Can We Make Moral Judgments About Other Cultures?


“There’s no racial or ethnic superiority to be found in one place versus another. Instead, what makes one culture superior over another is what it recognizes as true about people, and which of our instincts need to be governed and controlled.” - Breakpoint


Americans grow more liberal on moral issues, more concerned about moral values


Gallup: “U.S. adults are more likely than ever to see abortion, suicide, and polygamy as morally acceptable. In addition, married men and women having an affair, divorce, stem cell research using human embryos, having a child outside of marriage and sex between teenagers are near their highest levels of public acceptability.” - Baptist Press


Can Objective Morality Make a Comeback?


“Why is it that for baseball, consensus favors ‘integrity and playing by the rules’—that is, adhering to an external order—whereas for morality, consensus favors doing what a person wishes to maximize utility or pleasure for that individual?


Moral Truth? “It’s Up to You,” Say 58% of Americans


“…according to a recent survey, over half of American adults (58%) say you get to decide what’s right and wrong for yourself. And it’s not just those outside the church who think this way—it’s prevalent even among those who attend evangelical churches, with 46% rejecting the idea of absolute moral truth.” - AiG


Truth, Post-Truth, and “Truth by Consensus”


“Functionally, truth by consensus has stepped up to fill the void left when we, in annoyance, bade objective truth to find quarters somewhere else. How did we get here? To orient ourselves in the current climate of moral reasoning, we need a quick refresher on philosophical developments, starting with the Enlightenment.” - Ref21
