IVF regulations a ‘wild, wild west’


“Evangelical ethicists are urging policymakers to tap the brakes on in vitro fertilization (IVF) expansion despite an executive order by President Donald Trump and widespread enthusiasm for the practice.” - Baptist Press


ACCC Resolution on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)


“the American Council of Christian Churches… resolves to oppose as murderous any IVF procedure which produces more children than a woman is willing to carry to birth.” - ACCC


Trueman on the Ethics of IVF: Human Through and Through


“While I do not deny the humanity of the child born by IVF or surrogacy, the procedures do. The child in the womb is treated not as a person but as a thing, not as a subject but as an object, not as intrinsically valuable but as having value only as instrumental to some other end.” - Carl Trueman


Bioethics and Big Sheep


“Why are we so good at recognizing and enforcing ethical limits when it comes to medical or genetic experimentation on animals, but not humans?” - Breakpoint


An IVF Primer


“IVF separates the unitive and procreative goods of sex, a separation that is not morally neutral. IVF can treat humans as a product, the sort of being it is right to produce or manipulate. At times, although certainly not always, IVF raises additional questions about the morality of surrogacy or of having donor-conceived children.” - Public Discourse
