Discerning the Difference Between Christian Nationalism and Christian Patriotism


“I love this country, but I love it with eyes wide open. The aspirations of our founding have long been tempered by the brutal realities of our fallen nature. The same nation that stormed Normandy’s beaches to destroy a fascist empire simultaneously sustained a segregationist regime within its own borders. Our virtues do not negate our vices, and our vices do not negate our virtues. America isn’t 1619 or 1776.


“America is not the new Israel, chosen by God.”


“There’s nothing wrong with patriotism – the Bible never opposes the concept of national borders – but our citizenship is in heaven and if we forget that, patriotism can easily become idolatry.” - SBC Voices


Brian McClaren rejects American exceptionalism, calls for closing of Gitmo


“Nowhere is an ugly version of American exceptionalism more obvious — and embarrassing — than in relation to Guantanamo Bay and the network of secret prisons it has come to represent. Since Jan. 11, 2002, when the first inmates arrived, the United States has dared to declare itself ‘exceptional’ in regards to the Geneva Conventions…” Opinion: America shall not be exceptional
