SBC Ministry Check website

I read the following in an article by Bob Simenta entitled "Southern Baptists Face Key Questions After First Day of Annual Meeting."

This section of the article I'm going to share has to do with the SBC's new website that is designed to help track abusive pastors so churches can be aware of a ministry candidate's past when making hiring decisions. What are your thoughts on the website? Do you think it should or should not also i nclude those who have been credibly accused? Here's the quote:


Providing spiritual counsel to the victims of abuse, rape, and incest

I came across this article last week online and wanted to bring it up for discussion on SharperIron because it seems like a lot of our responses to allegations or cases of abuse / rape are done ‘on the fly’ as we become aware of them. There are a lot of interesting points and tidbits here, so I wanted to share it with you all and see how we can develop a much better and more holistic approach to abuse, especially how we approach the victims of abuse and their families.
