Doug Moo’s review of N.T. Wright’s Pauline Theology sifilings Wed, 11/06/13 8:29 pm Fundamentalism & Evangelicalism N. T. Wright Review: “Paul and the Faithfulness of God”HT: Denny Burk 1 view Discussion Jim Wed, 11/06/13 2:34 pm When a review starts ... “Reviewing N. T. Wright’s Paul and the Faithfulness of God is like trying to get a handle on the U.S. tax code.” … I’m glad I can read the review Twitter Jim's Doctrinal Statement Related . . . Topics: New Perspective on Paul, Soteriology, Justification, N. T. Wright What Is the “New Perspective(s) on Paul”? (Part 2) What Is the “New Perspective(s) on Paul”? (Part 1) “Wright has not even engaged the actual debate between egalitarians and complementarians.” N.T. Wright says the NT clearly backs women preachers N.T. Wright's New Testament for Everyone available online Pagination 1 Next page A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.(ESV, Proverbs 15:1)
Jim Wed, 11/06/13 2:34 pm When a review starts ... “Reviewing N. T. Wright’s Paul and the Faithfulness of God is like trying to get a handle on the U.S. tax code.” … I’m glad I can read the review Twitter Jim's Doctrinal Statement Related . . . Topics: New Perspective on Paul, Soteriology, Justification, N. T. Wright What Is the “New Perspective(s) on Paul”? (Part 2) What Is the “New Perspective(s) on Paul”? (Part 1) “Wright has not even engaged the actual debate between egalitarians and complementarians.” N.T. Wright says the NT clearly backs women preachers N.T. Wright's New Testament for Everyone available online Pagination 1 Next page A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.(ESV, Proverbs 15:1)