Is God Disingenuous? (2)

By Paul Henebury

Read the series.

I’ve mentioned analogies in this series, so let me give one of my own.

Suppose someone made you a promise concerning something of great importance to you. This person then went a step further and, to show his intent to make good his promise, entered in to some solemn ritual involving a self-maledictory oath. You could surely trust the promise right?

But wait. Suppose you knew that this same individual had made many promises before, and had also sworn oaths to perform…

The Crazy Beast! The Vision of Daniel 7 (Part 2)

By TylerR

In the last article, we examined the strange vision from Daniel 7. Here, we look at what this vision means.

Daniel is worried about the fourth beast because it’s horrifying. It has iron teeth, bronze claws, and it “crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left” (Dan 7:19). He’s curious “about the ten horns on its head and about the other horn that came up, before which three of them fell—the horn that looked more imposing than the others and that had eyes and a mouth that spoke…

On Bible Interpretation, Evidence, and Music

By Aaron Blumer

2 Timothy 3:16 reveals that all of Scripture is God-inspired and instructive. Taken with Romans 15:4, similar verses, and examples of NT use of OT passages, some have concluded that even incidental narrative details are potential sources of doctrine.

Since OT narrative details reference everything from clothing to cooking, tools, weapons, vehicles (carts, chariots), and so much more, there are, of course, references to music. There are even references to specific instruments, moods, and uses of music.

I want to offer a few thoughts here for two audiences. The first…