John MacArthur thinks he can vote for a better worldview by voting for Trump


Who says he believes in the sovereignty of God, will not fulfill the charge he has from God to vote. God picked those two candidates, correct? Precious few in the history of civilization have been given that privilege and responsibility, and he is throwing it away. Sad to see.

Mark, you are attempting to bind on the consciences of God’s people a thing that God has not. You are confusing a civic responsibility with a God-ordained moral duty. I strongly recommend you rethink your position.

By now, people know how they are going to vote (or have already voted). But it’s worth saying that Trump and Clinton represent far more than themselves. Each represents a political party, a political philosophy, and a set of principles. There is an enormous difference between the two. One protects life and liberty, the other destroys it. That makes my choice for president easy. I don’t have to agonize over my decision because these matters are crystal clear.

G. N. Barkman

I would sooner slit my own throat than vote for Hillary. She is the boss of an organized crime family—had she done in the private sector what she did as Secretary of State, she would be fined, imprisoned, or both. She is an incredibly corrupt, immoral woman who may well be to the left of Obama. People forget that when Bill was president she tried to get nationalized healthcare pushed through. She is very anti-family, anti-Christian. Some think she will moderate some like Bill did, but she is much further to the left than Bill.

I do not say all this to ask people to vote for Trump. I do not like Trump at all. But I cannot think of a worse thing to do than to vote for Hillary.

It appears Trump is in position to win all the states Romney won in 2012. This includes North Carolina, where early voting numbers look strong for Trump with more Republican ballots returned than in 2012, when Romney won NC.

Then IA looks almost certain to go to Trump.

OH looks like a good chance to go to Trump.

Florida is the tough one. Looks like it might be tilting slightly toward Hillary. Trump has to win Florida unless he could pull off amazing upsets in PA and MI, which is not at all likely. But lets say Trump does win Florida.

Then he would have to win Nevada and New Hampshire to get to 269, with one electoral vote in Maine’s 2nd congressional district to get Trump to 270.

Nevada early voting didn’t look good for Republicans and New Hampshire is close.

Basically Trump would have to get ‘heads’ on five coin flips in a row, whereas Hillary needs to win just any one of the coin tosses.

If something unusual happens like Trump manages a win in PA, MI, or both, then the whole election is very up in the air.

Those that choose to vote for Trump and those who decide not to vote, I understand and respect their arguments even though I may not agree with the one side; however, I can’t for the life of me understand how, Biblically, you can vote for Hillary and her policies.

[Barry L.]

Those that choose to vote for Trump and those who decide not to vote, I understand and respect their arguments even though I may not agree with the one side; however, I can’t for the life of me understand how, Biblically, you can vote for Hillary and her policies.

On voting for Hillary … [and I didn’t]: Here’s my case for her:


I noticed in your list of reasons to vote FOR Hillary, most of them were about Trump. That’s the problem, there isn’t much out there in regards to voting FOR either of them. Most of us want both of them to lose, but the reality is, one of them will win.

One of the most compelling arguments I have heard in regards to holding one’s nose and voting Trump is as follows:

The US supreme court has one vacancy right now that the next president will fill and others will happen in the next four years. With President Hillary, there is no hope at all in getting a nominee who respects the constitution. But with the Republicans controlling the senate, if President Trump offered up a clunker, they could say, sorry, try again, and Trump would have to try again. They could hold out until they get a good one. With Hillary, there is no holding out, they would have to settle for another liberal on the high court.

My (what I perceive) to be strongest case for Trump:


The best case for Trump:

Two issues that I don’t view as real political issues anymore:

  • Overturning Roe v Wade. Abortion is murder. No doubt about it! Abortion has been practiced since antiquity. The right Christian response is to teach on the sanctity of life, have babies and raise them, adopt babies, support crisis pregnancy centers, et cetera. I doubt Roe v Wade can ever be overturned
  • Gay Marriage: I don’t see this changing in our wicked secular culture. The right Christian response is for married believers to excel in modeling Biblical marriage

I don’t see any President flipping those issues in the next 30 years

In my view, the greatest threat to our republic is the issue no one is talking about - the National Debt

In my view, the battle over abortion is now going to be whether “disparate impact” theories and those of entitlement impact those who would defund Planned Infanticide—already there are court decisions noting that when people have to drive a long distance to terminate a pregnancy, that is actionable. In other words, the fact (and it is a fact) that abortion doesn’t make financial sense outside of big cities and D1 college towns could compel state funding of the same—something of a reversal of decisions that allowed states to get out of funding abortion.

Regarding the family, the fight we might be able to win is to remind people that government does not get into marriage because it’s all about the business of endorsing relationships. it is because we have an interest in the welfare of “weaker vessels” like mothers and children. Win that one, and same sex mirage becomes just that—a mirage, irrelevant.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

“Is not SCOTUS (in my view) because who knows whom he would nominate”

Again, with Trump making nominations, the GOP controlled senate can say NO, and he would have to try again. So yes, we don’t know who he would nominate, but the GOP senate can say NO and he has to try again. There is precedent for this, when Bush nominated Harriet Meirs, the GOP senate said NO and he had to try again.

With Hillary, she would just keep trotting out liberal after liberal and the GOP senate would eventually have to pick their poison and approve it.

The SCOTUS is important, and I am not even thinking about the issue of overturning decisions in regards to marriage or abortion. There are a host of issues all that will impact how the constitution itself is going to be perceived in the years to come.

Again, I am not campaigning for Trump, just referencing what I found to be one of the more compelling reasons to consider holding one’s nose and voting for him—if one happened to live in a battleground state where the vote would actually have a say in the outcome.

I agree with the disruption point. I know of some who have never voted for maybe a decade now who will show up and vote for Trump because he is an outsider. At least that is how he is perceived. He probably loses tomorrow, though the national matchup polling is a little at odds with the state by state polling. Part of this is due to the the huge populations in CA, NY, and to a lesser extent, NJ and MA. Among these states Clinton stands to rack up millions more votes than Trump. So national polling is going to be a couple points toward Clinton just do to this. The larger states that will go to Trump like TX and maybe FL will do so much more narrowly. This explains why national polling today can show Hillary ahead anywhere from 2 to 6 points while the race for electoral college votes is much closer. Should Trump win the election, he likely does so narrowly capturing the electoral college while losing the national popular vote.

Trump would have to win all the states Romney won, and then win IA, OH, FL, NV and NH. If he wins the Romney states and somehow pulls an upset in PA, then he just needs to also flip OH and FL and nothing else matters.


In my view, the greatest threat to our republic is the issue no one is talking about - the National Debt

And here, I thought I was the only one with this viewpoint!

Dave Barnhart

“One of the freedoms men and women like Alvin York and Edgar Gaines fought for was the freedom to vote. Many brave men and women have died so we can have the privilege to choose our own leaders. They fought and died so we could have a government ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people.’

I believe voting is my patriotic duty as a citizen of the United States. I love my country and I thank God that I live in America. Is it perfect? No. But neither am I, and neither are you. Does America need to repent and turn afresh to Jesus? Yes. And so do I, and so do you.

The greatest issue in our land in my opinion is abortion…”

-Steve Gaines—christians-should-vote

David R. Brumbelow