The Role of “Passion” in Christian Experience

By Mark Snoeberger

The use of the term passion has seen a huge uptick in conservative evangelical life in the past 25 years or so, roughly paralleling the sharp rise in influence of Reformed Charismatism in conservative evangelical theology and hymnody. The term passion is used in an overwhelmingly positive sense as the antidote to lethargy and ambivalence toward God and spiritual things—a problem that young, restless Christians seem perpetually to discover in previous generations.

But is Christian “passion” the correct antidote? I’m not so sure that it is. My first exposure to…

What Does It Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 1)

By Paul J. Scharf

My previous column challenged Bible-believing Christians—and all Americans—to stand with the people, nation and land of Israel during these times of unprecedented hatred aimed at Jewish people around the world.

During the past week, the animosity and hostility spouted against the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have grown to a level that we might have considered unfathomable, making such pleas all the more necessary. This story is not going away anytime soon. The acrimony is spreading like wildfire.

And, make no mistake about it: This is not simply an attack on…

Review of ‘Elisabeth’ by Ken Yates

By Paul Henebury

Grace Evangelical Society (December 14, 2022), paperback: ‎ 158 pages (Amazon*).

When a father writes a book about a beloved and departed daughter there is…