Brave New World or 1984?


“I have long pondered whether Brave New World or 1984 was more plausible as the fate of the West. But just the other day it finally dawned on me that the right answer to this question is not one or the other: it is both!” - Credo


Princeton Trades Classics for Diversity?


“Imagine a software engineering class that doesn’t make students learn computer code. That should give you some idea how ridiculous it is that Princeton University is no longer requiring classics majors to learn Greek or Latin. Not zoology students or English majors, but classics students. You know, the folks who study Greek and Latin culture.” - Breakpoint


On Being Christian in Our Strange Secular, Neo-Pagan Society


“One way to understand the so-called “cancel culture” of 2021 which has no tolerance for freedom of thought and expression is that it is the product of a Christian influence that is cut away from its roots in a living Christian tradition. The virtue of, say, racial justice is cut loose from its Christian roots and allowed to wander and do harm.” - Timothy Whitaker


Is Secularism Crumbling?


“European evangelist J. John thinks that it is. He notes growing numbers–a million over the last few years–attending his evangelistic events… the burgeoning number of evangelicals in France… large numbers of conversions to Christianity among Muslim immigrants. He focuses, though, on the sense he is picking up on that secularism is failing, and that the secularists are realizing it.” - Veith


Why white supremacists and QAnon enthusiasts are obsessed – but very wrong – about the Byzantine Empire


“No matter the provenance of the recent interest in Byzantium from America’s white supremacists and conspiracy theorists, one thing is clear: It is based on a very warped idea of the Byzantine Empire that has emerged out of the empire’s fraught place in our histories, caught between ancient and medieval, spirituality and bureaucracy.” - The Conv


Science, technology, and why the west has become anti-historical


“Many people today understand science to be the only way to achieve objective knowledge. When we reject the notion that truth is available through Scripture or anything else, we are left only with the narrative of science, which assumes that the present is superior to the past and the future will be superior to the present.” - Challies


How Liberal Arts Colleges Could Save Civilization


“The same love of darkness which will tear down statues, regardless of who they depict, will sacrifice the liberal arts core of education in the name of relevance. The culture wars are not really about right versus left; they are about memory versus oblivion.” - TAC


Veith on our summer of cultural suicide


“A civilization that hates itself and a culture that thinks its own customs, values, and traditions are evil and not worth continuing has committed suicide….What a culture or civilization does not pass down to the next generation is lost. It ceases to exist. That is how a society commits cultural suicide.” - Veith


White Fragility and the Bible’s Big Story


“In this follow-up article I want to turn to the Bible to suggest how it might help us understand issues of race and racism, for it also contains a narrative structure…. What I would like to do is compare and contrast the content of [DiAngelo’s White Fragility] story with the Bible’s.” - Challies
