Barna Research: How Practicing Christians View Race’s Impact on Their Lives


“This article features recent data from Beyond Diversity, a study conducted in partnership with Dr. Michael O. Emerson and the Racial Justice and Unity Center, exploring whether or not practicing Christians from various racial backgrounds think their race offers them an advantage in life, as well as how they feel when the term “white privilege” is mentioned.” - Barna


Racism Is Real. But Is “Systemic Racism”? That Time I Was Published by Newsweek—For Two Hours


“Hypersensitivity about ‘systemic racism’ has many people, of every race, hesitating about being honest about what they think. But honesty and forthright argument are the only antidotes to the fear many people feel, and the only road ahead to racial justice. I expect ad hominem responses to the essay that follows, or willful misunderstandings of its argument….But only good arguments—not silent cowering—can defeat bad ones.


On the Use and Abuse of Critical Race Theory in American Christianity


“…as practiced, it quite often creates a virtual irrebuttable starting presumption that ‘existing power structures’ can be accurately analyzed primarily (or sometimes exclusively) through the prism of race. The end result, ironically enough, is both reductive and complex.” - The Dispatch


Why Race Relations Don’t Improve

We might have every reason to expect, given the extraordinary attention directed to this issue, that race relations would be improving in America. But instead, they seem to be getting worse. Why are race relations not improving?


4 Distinctives of a Christian View of Race

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

As #BlackLivesMatter, White-Fragility, and White-Privilege become flash points in our society, and as entire organizations have grown up around the concept of “racial reconciliation” it is critical to remember that Christians should think differently than the world on the topic of race.


White Fragility and Getting White People to Talk About Racism


“I have had quite a number of people ask my opinion about this book [Robin DiAngelo: White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism] … I am going to provide a kind of summary of its contents and then, in a second article, discuss whether it is a helpful resource for Christians. I primarily want to consider the ‘story’ DiAngelo is telling.” - Challies


Darwin’s racism: How early evolutionary theory fueled discrimination


“Race-based discrimination has multiple sources, many of which preceded Darwin, but evolutionary theory gave ‘a powerful push to a scientific version of racism that still impacts us today,’ said John West, vice president and a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute.” - WORLD
