Survey: Fewer Protestant Believe in Global Warming


“41 percent of interviewees ‘strongly disagree’ ” that “global warming is real and manmade.” … “Pastors aren’t alone in their skepticism. A 2010 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed growing skepticism among the general American public.” Christian Post


"Were it not for the setting in a stately Romanesque cathedral near downtown Los Angeles, the gathering might have been mistaken for a political rally."


“Longtime environmental advocates such as author Bill McKibben, the keynote speaker at St. John’s, said that whatever success there may be in staunching the worst effects of climate change will depend in large part on people of faith.” The new religion of “climate change” claims another Sunday. LA Times


Global Warming

NOTE: This article appears in the July/August 2006 issue of Frontline Magazine. It appears here with permission of the publisher.

By Mark Bouslog and Kevin Schaal
