Climate Anxiety Paralyzes. Gospel Hope Propels.


“Pessimistic language is a growing feature of popular culture…. ‘doomslang,’ a category that includes terms like ‘doomscrolling,’ ‘bed rotting,’ and ‘dumpster fire.’ Montell argues the casual adoption of apocalyptically negative language is affecting mental health.” - TGC


Canadian Christians Launch Collective for Climate Action


“To kick off this partnership, they conducted a survey of 742 Canadian Christians between the ages of 18 and 40 to learn more about what they currently think concerning climate change and how the church is already doing at addressing the issue.” - CToday


Evangelicals aren’t ‘climate deniers’


“These are people who either believe that the warming is not predominantly caused by humans or that it does not pose catastrophic problems to our environment. They are better described as ‘climate realists’ or ‘climate skeptics.’” - Cornwall Alliance


We’re Waiting for Media’s Corrections on Ocean Warming


“Joshua Emerson Smith, a reporter for the San Diego Union-Tribune, has picked it up, and the U-T gave his story prominent placement: ‘Climate contrarian uncovers scientific error, upends major ocean warming study.’ … Smith reports that the original study’s authors acknowledged their error and thanked Lewis for pointing it out and have submitted a correction to Nature.” - Cornwall Alliance


Manmade pollutants now blamed for global cooling


“Pollution in the atmosphere is having an unexpected consequence, scientists say – it’s helping to cool the climate, masking some of the global warming that’s occurred so far,” Scientific American reported last week. OneNewsNow
