What to Do When You’ve Got a Mean Boss


“No matter where you work, fallenness is all around you. Other peoples’ unkindness, though, does not negate our call to live at peace with them, and is certainly not a reason to visit their unkindness right back to them (Rom 12:17-18, 21).” - Common Good


How to Deal With the Whiners at Work


“Whiners focus on the negative and thrive on complaining – often about the most insignificant things you can imagine…. If you’re a leader, you can confront them, but it’s much more difficult if you’re a co-worker.” - Phil Cooke


The Wisdom of Work


“People now jump from job to job throughout the course of their lives. If we viewed our work under the rubric of God’s calling, we would be more apt to settle into whatever lawful work God has gifted and called us to do.” - Nick Batzig


The Supreme Court rules against USPS in Sunday work case


“The court ruled in favor of Gerald Groff, an evangelical Christian postal worker, who refused to work on Sundays for religious reasons and said the U.S. Postal Service should accommodate his religious belief.” - NPR


Intel named most faith-friendly company


“Intel Corporation is the most faith-friendly workplace in the country according to this year’s ranking of large companies by the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation.” - NPR


Supreme Court conservatives seem divided in major religion case


“Justice Brett Kavanaugh focused on the language in the court’s 1977 decision that said an employer would suffer an undue hardship…. That, he suggested, seems to be what happened in Groff’s small postal office when he refused to work Sundays or religious holidays.” - NPR



Work Well in an LGBT+ Environment


“Being a loving, uncompromising, and effective witness calls for courage and wisdom. Here are six suggestions to help you navigate these turbulent waters.” - TGC
